Chipotle's new video...

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
I think this is a clever and well made video but also think they crossed the red line. Does Chipotle go too far in mocking production agriculture? 

Is this brainwashing or a form of fear tactics?

The Scarecrow


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
Clever and very sly marketing at it's best.  The other poster said they didn't see any poking fun at the ag industry??? really??

Hmmm  Here is what I see

Crow pecking a scarecrow.  Crows are often a symbol we associate with death. 

Pumping a chicken with a large hypodermic needle to a bloated state?? 

The saddest cow you have ever seen confined to a box and being pumped for milk??

Not only are they marketing this to adults but a cartoon is geared to children as well.  A child doesn't look at a boring info commercial BUT it will look at a cartoon.

The Scarecrow picks veggies to sell.  It see animals "abused" for consumption.  It tries to sell produce not meat.  How can this not be a very clever subtle attack on a livestock grower.  WoW!  Never been to a Chipotle and NEVER will!

Quick fire

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2013
Attack on the big bad food industry, not necessarily the farmer in this commercial. Past commercials they have attacked farmers. Don't see it in this one. I don't eat there anyways because they support PETA. Part of the bad rep farmers get is because of these "mega farms" or Giant companies that process food.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
Also the billboard that said "feeding the world"  they are trying to associate this statement to this negative "big bad food company"  So when you see farmers and ranchers and other food companies using this in their advertising it will automatically get a negative response.  They paint all of the current contemporary production agriculture in a negative light with this add, and the only way to be is all natural, local, bla bla bla. 


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
SW Iowa
Very disturbing in that it will further the disconnect and misunderstanding of production agriculture with the "city folk".  There is enough confusion in urban and suburban America now on how food is raised, taken care of, and processed!!!!

I don't even know if there are any Chipotle Grills in my area-- never have looked for one when I am in Des Moines.



Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
Chipotle's message is not in favor of the farmer or the production chain,  others are doing the same thing as a recent ad from Hyatt Regency.

Please go to for more info

We as people involved in agriculture need and should do more to tell our story and the truth.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Decorah, IA
It bothers me that they continually attack ag in their commercials and still come out with a commercial like this after they have announced that they can not aquire enough all natural beef to use, so they will also use conventially raised beef.

Also does anyone no what Chipotle's slogan is? Its "Food with Integrety". Well too me in order to have "Food with Integrety" you have to have a company that has integrety. Maybe its just me but using scare tactics to get people to buy your food is not near my definition of integrety.

Right now if you sit down and watch tv you will see all kinds of food companies like McDonalds trying to put a face on the people who produce the food for them, and also thanking them. There is a food movement going on and if this commercial does not bother you a little bit, especially being in an industry that produces food, there is something wrong.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
Aren't food labels supposed to be accurate about the ingredients that is in our food?  There are certain guidelines etc that these labels must follow.  Doesn't advertising for a product or service also have to conform to the same rules and requirements for accuracy ?  If not, then something is wrong.

Look at the commercials on TV for medicines.  They advertise how wonderful this medicine is for an ailment, but at the end of the commercial they mention side effects and other conditions that can happen when you take the medication.  If what you have won't kill you the cure might!



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Thanks for those posts guys. "CBC " and "Vic", those are both great reads.

The American public is one of the most uniformed people on this planet. Unfortunately the most gullible too.

Hear are a few comments on "Scarecrow" which gives me some renewed hope;

What a wacky and unrealistic video. I wish companies like Chipotle would interview some real-life farmers who care about the animals they raise, who care about food safety, and care about their customers. This video only tried to scare people about their food, which in this country is so abundant, so safe, so inexpensive, and so available that it is too easy to take for granted.
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richard glenister
0 Fans
2 hours ago ( 5:21 PM)
While it is certainly a beautiful piece that expresses what many farmers feel but Chipolte as company doesn't seem to be sincere. A few years ago when I was producing grass-fed beef Chipolte somehow obtained my information and approached be about selling them beef. To my dismay they wanted to pay substantially less than even the dismal price offered by the conventional beef processors. Likewise with their history of problems with hiring illegal aliens. There is a very clear disconnnect between what they say and what they actually do as a company.
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The Proud Vegan
4 Fans
12 hours ago ( 7:09 AM)
The level of sheer hypocrisy and irony in an establishment, such as Chipotle, creating an advertisement like this is absolutely ridiculous. Although, it's only helping the cause I stand for, so, that's one good thing about this. Other than that, it bothers me that Chipotle seems to be targeting people's emotions, and, by applying their name to this short film, subliminally convincing people that buying from them would help to end these terrible occurrences, as if they aren't a large contributor to it themselves. If they truly care about any of this, then, an advertisement isn't going to be enough. If they truly care, they would stop contributing to what, according to this advertisement, they seem to be against.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
cbcr said:
Aren't food labels supposed to be accurate about the ingredients that is in our food?  There are certain guidelines etc that these labels must follow.  Doesn't advertising for a product or service also have to conform to the same rules and requirements for accuracy ?  If not, then something is wrong.

Look at the commercials on TV for medicines.  They advertise how wonderful this medicine is for an ailment, but at the end of the commercial they mention side effects and other conditions that can happen when you take the medication.  If what you have won't kill you the cure might!

Foods are probably labeled with reasonable accuracy. It is how they're being grown that is questioned. Insinuating that the growing process is harmful to your health is the direction these people like Whole Foods and Chipotle's are taking and creating a psychology of it being bad for you. Consumers are also mislead in that often times organics are actually less sustainable and take more fuel to get to the Grocery Store case or Restaurant then non-organics. To my surprise having worked at a Whole Foods store, less then 12% of their foods are actually organic.

Production Ag may not be perfect buts these guys pray on a very naive and uniformed public that in most cases don't  think rationally and take this information as being the gospel.

Bottom line... It's called "persuasive marketing".



Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
Maybe it should be called perception advertising!

It seems that the media is very quick to jump on something, look at LFTB last year forcing people out of jobs and a company that had to declare bankruptcy.

But the damage is done and it seems that the media is too slow (or take or own sweet time, they don't care approach) to report the truth.  And look who pays the price.

Have you seen the post on facebook about the talapia fish and the conditions that is is grown and processed in?  In outing a foregn source it will ultimately hurt US fish prodecers as well.

We come in contact with people that we know every day know nothing about agricultre production.  With Facebook and other social media, wouldn't it be easy to direct them to information from sources and people whose interest and do know about agriculture.

Many items are posted of facebood with a pass it along to your friends and etc.  this would be powerful!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Talapia farming use to be project implemented by the FFA. I remember when almost all of the Talapia that was consumed in America came from these projects. Now almost all of it is imported.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Decorah, IA
cbcr said:
Maybe it should be called perception advertising!

We come in contact with people that we know every day know nothing about agricultre production.  With Facebook and other social media, wouldn't it be easy to direct them to information from sources and people whose interest and do know about agriculture.

Many items are posted of facebood with a pass it along to your friends and etc.  this would be powerful!

There are many people including myself trying to do this on Facebook and twitter and all other social media but the problem is that it is so hard to do once people have an idea in there head. It seems people will believe any untruth that is told to them but when trying to tell them the truth about it and back it up with facts they will not believe it. Trust me it sounds logical and easy but it is anything but...


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
Just wanted to share that there IS integrity in business.  Midan Marketing based out of Chicago is owned by a North Dakota cattle loving man and a Kansas farm girl.  They market meat.  They posted this on their facebook page and I am very proud and not surprised by their standing up for agriculture.  They know the ins and outs of meat and they KNOW who does what in the industry.  Just wanted to give them a  huge(clapping)!!!

Midan Marketing

about an hour ago.

As a company made up of individuals passionate about food and agriculture, we at Midan Marketing, do not support Chipotle’s platform against modern food production. Their recently launched ad campaign is alarmingly hypocritical. We do not see cows, pigs, and chickens being raised at every one of Chipotle’s more than 1,400 locations, as suggested in the video. According to their Facebook page, Chipotle claims that their video is set in a “fictitious future world” – and it is just that. Fiction. The video is a gross misrepresentation of modern food production, and we feel it is completely unethical to start a conversation with consumers about modern agriculture with these kinds of lies and fabrications.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA