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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar

Just curious how well the Steer Planet Classifieds perform.  Have you posted, and had good results selling?  Do you often go look to see is there is anything which interests you?
My sale results have been mediocre to poor.  What say ye? 


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
West Central Wisconsin ( Mondovi )
I haven't sold much but I do regularly look at the classifieds to see what's out there and if it's something I want. I've purchased plenty through the classifieds and have done so with no problems at all. Everyone I've dealt with has been great.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
I have been running a Steer Planet classified survey with lots of good results.  Obviously though, respondents who chose to participate were people that have either bought or sold something before in the classifieds.  I can't give you a true gauge of # of classifieds posted to # of classifieds sold.  I do know many of had good success and have talked to a few people that have sold $50k+ promotional bulls via the classifieds and even formed partnerships.

In my personal experience, I have always gotten several pm's regarding my brothers sale and I know for a fact that a couple of those people ended up purchasing a calf.  It is just one promotional tool of many to take advantage of in selling cattle.

Another good idea would be to take advantage of your signature line.  If you post a lot, your signature will be spread out all over the site.  Include your website in their with a little tag about it.  Most websites won't let have outgoing links in signatures, I encourage it here.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
from what i can tell, people are not interested in the multi-generational breeding project from older semen.

they want instant success so they are looking for that next great animal from heatwave.

what would be interesting is if there was a real commercial cattle thread or website.

most of the commercial guys i speak to are not even remotely interested in blood lines, but are more interested in low input operations, lease conditions, how much cotton was planted this spring, how to fix a windmill, or build a dam or keep cattle out of a spring.



Well-known member
May 15, 2011
Zeeland, MI
You will find alot of window shoppers on here, everybody wants video, more pics, and wants to know price without ever having any real intention of buying, The minute you send them a phone number you never here from them again, for some reason everybody only wants to communicate via email, forum, or text. no real communication. I do love having a free classifieds to post or shop, but you will find it is the same members that seem to inquire all the time about what is posted, I have take note on them and know who may actually be looking vs. who inquires about every animal posted. Love the site, just cant say the people who browse the classifieds are actually serious.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Well I have been very well pleased. I have sold numerous eggs, bulls , cows, semen & a flush off of the classifieds. I have had a lot of residual sales off the classifieds also. I have bought semen & eggs & a pregnancy off here. Just a fyi , the pregnancy I bought off here I bought from Shortdawg & she went on to win the IL state fair for us 2 years ago. There is a lot of tire kickers , but you are going to have a lot of those off any ads that you run.
I can't say enough thanks to Jason as a buyer & a seller.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
I've only bought 1 animal off the classifieds, the dirty Harry cow, and I'd give the experience an A+. I haven't sold anything yet, mostly because all my calves go to the neighboring county.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2009
Stillwater Ok
I've learned a little bit about posting cattle on the classifieds in the last couple of years.  My first time was a disaster,  i had an untold # of pms and emails about the cattle but no one came to look or called.  The last cattle I put on I posted prices, location, and lots of pics.  I also put my phone # and that I wouldn't respond to any pms or emails.  Sold my cows withen 3 days.  Always include the location and remember that if someone won't take the time to call you they are probably just kicking tires.  Almost forgot, don't sit around the house all weekend waiting on someone that said they were coming to look at your cattle in an email because their not coming.


Well-known member
May 25, 2010
Spring Creek , Iowa
I agree with alot of what has all ready been said , tire kickers , window shoppers , and game players all over on this site. I will say this much , the people from the west on here have been people of their words but anybody ive dealt with east of Iowa has not been anything but a joke , which really doesnt surprise me ! I have both bought and sold on here , both from members west of me. This is still a great site that we need to appreciate having available to us but you have to grit your teeth a few times trying to sell on here.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
ALTSIMMY 79 said:
I agree with alot of what has all ready been said , tire kickers , window shoppers , and game players all over on this site. I will say this much , the people from the west on here have been people of their words but anybody ive dealt with east of Iowa has not been anything but a joke , which really doesnt surprise me ! I have both bought and sold on here , both from members west of me. This is still a great site that we need to appreciate having available to us but you have to grit your teeth a few times trying to sell on here.

I'm going to have to say that I've not seen anything like that . I've sold stuff on here from Knabe in CA to people in IL, MO, GA, SC KY, IN, TX, SD & several other states. I've not seen any difference.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
ALTSIMMY 79 said:
I agree with alot of what has all ready been said , tire kickers , window shoppers , and game players all over on this site. I will say this much , the people from the west on here have been people of their words but anybody ive dealt with east of Iowa has not been anything but a joke , which really doesnt surprise me ! I have both bought and sold on here , both from members west of me. This is still a great site that we need to appreciate having available to us but you have to grit your teeth a few times trying to sell on here.

Yes Doc, I agree. This is a pretty stereotypical there's good, honest people all across the country.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2010
Tasmania Australia
I like to read the Classifieds to see trends, to see how cheap your trailers and equipment are and see rare/old semen advertised and wish I could buy some. I feel what you are trying to sell AAOK is a terrific opportunity for someone starting and with your knowledge could save years of stumbling around blindly breeding the latest to the latest but unfortunately many want the newest fad. Steerplant is a great way to get your brand out there to get alot of exposure and used properly can be a great marketing tool. Just look at the way someone like JIT puts his name and pictures out there (sorry to pick on him but good example there are many). Clever stealth marketing through brand recognition.
For what it worth from a long way away.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar

I agree with most everything posted thus far.  Last Summer when I decided to sell my Show Equipment, my only advertising was the Steer Planet Classifieds.  I was mostly sold out from the first two who called me, and came right down.  Knabe & Aussie, I realize the Semen I have for sale is not on your everday wish list, and will take one with more than average breeding knowledge to recognize the value.  My post was for exactly this reason; to learn how the SP Classifieds are working.  Evidently, very well!

I've been in Sales in one way or another for 50 years.  Specialty items require either a customer looking to buy that exact item, at that exact time, or someone with more dollars than sense.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
AAOK said:

I agree with most everything posted thus far.  Last Summer when I decided to sell my Show Equipment, my only advertising was the Steer Planet Classifieds.  I was mostly sold out from the first two who called me, and came right down.  Knabe & Aussie, I realize the Semen I have for sale is not on your everday wish list, and will take one with more than average breeding knowledge to recognize the value.  My post was for exactly this reason; to learn how the SP Classifieds are working.  Evidently, very well!

I've been in Sales in one way or another for 50 years.  Specialty items require either a customer looking to buy that exact item, at that exact time, or someone with more dollars than sense.

AAOK, You are exactly right. It comes down to what you are trying to sell. I've put a couple of things on here , that I thought would really get some interest & got 0. I geuss sometimes it's like my opinion , the only one that is interested in it is myself. lol


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
Shebet21 said:
I haven't sold much but I do regularly look at the classifieds to see what's out there and if it's something I want. I've purchased plenty through the classifieds and have done so with no problems at all. Everyone I've dealt with has been great.

Marty,  Any Montego Bay babies being born in Wisconsin yet? Thank you for reading our classified!

We have have posting classifieds on Steerplanet for several years now.  Yes, I agree, there is plenty of tire kicking that takes place, but you never know when that contact will lead to a sale, or even a good connection in the future.  You have to keep your name in front of the public, and I definitely agree with Jason that it is good business to always have your website easily accessible. 

The key to good marketing these days is to have an updated website, and push your audience to it every chance possible.  Also, times have changed.  If you don't text, email, Facebook, then you better learn.  I have customer that where my only communication is through these avenues.  Teens use messaging on Facebook, 20's-30's use text messaging, 40+ use email, and 60+ use phone.  Very generalized, but not far off.


Well-known member
May 25, 2010
Spring Creek , Iowa
Agree or disagree with what I wrote but that has been my exact experience in dealing with people on here ! I didn't do it , they did lol !!!