These are my consignments to the Sale at Clemson on April 26th
1 - WHR Sonny 8114 x AF Playful Cait 717 daughter bred to NR Denver ( My Trump/Dazzle Fool Herdsire) - Due Oct. (unsexed)
2- CF Trump x CF Rodeo Gold Rose 721X daughter bred to CF Primo - Due Sept. (sexed heifer calf)
3- AF SL Thriller x AF Final Dreams 134 daughter pasture exposed to PLM Blanco ( My JPJ Son ) - not preg. checked yet
4-One package of three embryos - WHR Sonny 8114 x Caney Valley Shadra C082 ( Gold Link x Huberdale HB Shadra 76C)
Not the best pics but may give you some idea how they look since I don't have any pics in the catalog
I can be reached by e-mail or at 229-388-7038 if you have any questions or need more info
1 - WHR Sonny 8114 x AF Playful Cait 717 daughter bred to NR Denver ( My Trump/Dazzle Fool Herdsire) - Due Oct. (unsexed)
2- CF Trump x CF Rodeo Gold Rose 721X daughter bred to CF Primo - Due Sept. (sexed heifer calf)
3- AF SL Thriller x AF Final Dreams 134 daughter pasture exposed to PLM Blanco ( My JPJ Son ) - not preg. checked yet
4-One package of three embryos - WHR Sonny 8114 x Caney Valley Shadra C082 ( Gold Link x Huberdale HB Shadra 76C)
Not the best pics but may give you some idea how they look since I don't have any pics in the catalog
I can be reached by e-mail or at 229-388-7038 if you have any questions or need more info