cloned cattle.

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Caldwell, Idaho
this is renagades sister I was wondering if anybody knew what bulls, cows, and maybe steers had been cloned. If you do  what breed are they  and if they have been in the show ring or are in the show ring and what they have won.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
renegade said:
this is renagades sister I was wondering if anybody knew what bulls, cows, and maybe steers had been cloned. If you do  what breed are they  and if they have been in the show ring or are in the show ring and what they have won.

There are more than you know.
Sullivans have several donors that have been cloned. If you look at there past sale catalog there is designation at the end of the registration number. Ice Pick, Full Flush, Heatwave, Copyright sure there are more. Several dairy cows and a bucking bull. Barrel Horse.

Cowboy Up

Well-known member
Oct 7, 2008
Well, Heat Wave is the obvious one that comes to mind. I'm not sure which other ones have been cloned. I really doubt many show steers or females have been cloned, but there may be some. Hope this is a little help.



Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Caldwell, Idaho
<cowboy>  (cow) yes it all helps. I am just preparing for my speech that I am giving tuesday. I just want to be ready for any questions they ask me.  (argue) (clapping)


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
parts unknown
Full Flush
Who Made Who
Heat Wave
MCF 116R
Kroupa 602G
Cowtown is clone to a Fort Worth Champion steer
Romeo is a clone to a steer
Xerox is a Clone to one of Faber's champions at Iowa State Fair
Eyes on the Money
Golden Child
Ice Pick
Wulf's had a limmy bull cloned
Scamper the barrell horse was cloned
I think several bucking bulls have been cloned
are some that I can think of
I don't think Copyright is a clone


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Caldwell, Idaho
afhm said:
Full Flush
Who Made Who
Heat Wave
MCF 116R
Kroupa 602G
Cowtown is clone to a Fort Worth Champion steer
Romeo is a clone to a steer
Xerox is a Clone to one of Faber's champions at Iowa State Fair
Eyes on the Money
Golden Child
Ice Pick
Wulf's had a limmy bull cloned
Scamper the barrell horse was cloned
I think several bucking bulls have been cloned
are some that I can think of
I don't think Copyright is a clone
do you know the breeds of the cattle?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2008
Hillsboro, TX
renegade said:
afhm said:
Full Flush
Who Made Who
Heat Wave
MCF 116R
Kroupa 602G
Cowtown is clone to a Fort Worth Champion steer
Romeo is a clone to a steer
Xerox is a Clone to one of Faber's champions at Iowa State Fair
Eyes on the Money
Golden Child
Ice Pick
Wulf's had a limmy bull cloned
Scamper the barrell horse was cloned
I think several bucking bulls have been cloned
are some that I can think of
I don't think Copyright is a clone
do you know the breeds of the cattle?
Most are cross breds and maines.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
OH Breeder said:
renegade said:
this is renagades sister I was wondering if anybody knew what bulls, cows, and maybe steers had been cloned. If you do  what breed are they  and if they have been in the show ring or are in the show ring and what they have won.

There are more than you know.
Sullivans have several donors that have been cloned. If you look at there past sale catalog there is designation at the end of the registration number. Ice Pick, Full Flush, Heatwave, Copyright sure there are more. Several dairy cows and a bucking bull. Barrel Horse.

In the horse world, I believe Smart Little Lena has been cloned several times.  Wonder if the clones carry HERDA, too?


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Caldwell, Idaho
here is my speech. and Smart Little Lena has been cloned, Seven times, I am not sure if they carry HERDA though. Please tell me what you think. If it needs more revision, If I need to Add or delete anything, ect. your imput would be greatly appreciated.                                                                                 

                                                                                        SEEING DOUBLE
Close your eyes and travel back with me to 1952. You are a researcher on the cloning project. And you have just cloned the first animal in history, a tadpole.This is the first successful cloned animal since research began on the project using frogs in 1928.
Since this breakthrough in cloning, there have been several cloned animals; the most famous of these was a Ewe named Dolly who was cloned using somatic cell nuclear transfer in 1996. She birthed 6 healthy lambs before her death in 2003. The scientists of Roslin Institute announced Dolly's death as Sheep Pulmonary Adenomatosis, a slow progressing lung disease that is found in sheep who live indoors. Her death brought about questions including; is cloning unethical and is cloning safe?
Scientists have done extensive research but have found no viable evidence that cloning poses any harm to the public. Now there is over 10,000 cloned animals in 10 countries these include horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, deer, and scientists are hopeful for pandas. But sadly over 90% of cloning attempts fail and one third of those that are a success never reach maturity. Some of those that have been a success are Smart Little Lena a cutting horse with a lifetime earning of $743,275 in only 8 shows and was one of three horses to win the National Cutting Horse Association triple crown. Then there is Scamper a famous barrel racing champion who at the age of 7 with the 15 year old Charmayne James won their first world championship of ten and in 1995 Scamper was inducted into the rodeo hall of fame. And now his clone Clayton is breeding and has already bred 2 mares. 
Cloning has made it into the livestock industry. With all 3 species being cloned the first cloned bull was a Brahma named Second Chance; the first cloned cow in the US was a Black Baldie named KC. And in 2001 a litter of five piglets was born at Texas A&M. This university has also cloned other animals including cats, dogs, deer, and are planning on cloning pandas. Making it the leading company in the cloning industry.
Since livestock started being cloned people have asked if the meat and milk from cloned livestock will be safe to eat and drink . The FDA as well as the European Food Safety Authority have done extensive tests and on January 18, 2008 both companies released a satement declaring that cloned meat and milk is safe and shows no difference from non-cloned meat and milk.But as of yet few cloned animals have entered the food chain and few will for at least the near future due to the high price tag of $20,000 plus. And most won't put out $20,000 for an animal only worth $1,000- $2,000.
Cloning has been done at smaller places including at the University of Idaho and at Utah State University. Three mules have been cloned; Idaho Gem, Idaho Star and Utah Pioneer. All three were sent to training for racing and Idaho Gem and Idaho Star both won their first races.The cloning of these mules have already shed light on the cellular biology connected to prostate cancer.
Scientists hope that cloning will lead to cures for diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and even solve the world wide need for organs. Scientist call the cloning of swine the most important. Could an organ from a pig save your life one day? Scientists agree that this possibility is in the not so distant future. They say that the first organs could be suitible for transplant in three years and wide spread by 2018. Orginizations like PETA have been fighting this issue. They say that this is unethical and that you wouldn't make a human for parts so why make an animal that has a life just like a human.But even the cloning of humans has begun. The first human clone, Emma Young was born December 26, 2002. She was created by Cloniad for a woman who could not have a baby due to her husbands infertility.
The problem with cloning is that 90% of cloning attempts fail, 95% of embryo transfers die at different stages of the development process ,and 50% of cloned animals that are born have abnormalities such as intestinal blockages; diabetes; shortened tendons; deformed feet; weakened immune systems; disfunctional hearts, brains, livers, and kidneys; respiratory distress; and circulatory problems. Also the price tag on cloning is high so at this time it is a "luxury" for the wealthy. So what can we do to change this? At this point in research there is no treatment for any problems faced and research is still in progress and it could still be several years before any treatment is even experimented with . Which also means the the high price tag will be around until changes are made where problem percentages are decreased. clones are not even 100% identical. As of yet there are no restrictions against cloning, even in such elite places as the AQHA.
So What do these people do if they do lose their clone? They are either reimburst or they can try again and keep trying until they have a success. clones are carried for the gestation of their problems can occur durring development like any other pregnancy.
There are three types of cloning;Recombiant DNA Technology or DNA cloning, Reproductive cloning, and Therapeutic cloning or "embryo cloning,". Recombiant DNA is the transfer of a DNA fragment of interest from one organism to a self-replicating genetic element such as a bacterial plasmid.Reproductive cloning is a technology used to generate an animal that has the same nuclear DNA as another currently or previously existing animal. Therapeutic cloning is the production of human embryos for use in research.
For now cloning is just a word but some day it could be on every package of meat, it could be your show animal or pet, it could even  save your life. "The best way to predict the future is to create it "-Peter F. Drucker. I beleive this is true, we have to create our future and not just let it happen. But several questions still linger, these include: Is cloning unethical and should the people support and even eat clones? These questions can not be answered by science but must be answered by the public consumer: you.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
dori36 said:
OH Breeder said:
renegade said:
this is renagades sister I was wondering if anybody knew what bulls, cows, and maybe steers had been cloned. If you do  what breed are they  and if they have been in the show ring or are in the show ring and what they have won.

There are more than you know.
Sullivans have several donors that have been cloned. If you look at there past sale catalog there is designation at the end of the registration number. Ice Pick, Full Flush, Heatwave, Copyright sure there are more. Several dairy cows and a bucking bull. Barrel Horse.

In the horse world, I believe Smart Little Lena has been cloned several times.  Wonder if the clones carry HERDA, too?

this might be semantics, but i think he was cloned once, had 7 babies, two died, i think two had parrot mouth, and yes, they would have herda, unless a repair mechanism was used, and it wasn't.