aj said:
What about eating clones.....or clone offspring? I wouldn't think there would be a problem......unless it was a merchandising world wide problem.
Image is everything...especially if it is wrong. Meaning eating DNA from an animal does not make you that animal; cloned DNA is protein, just like non-cloned DNA. Cloned DNA is made up of A,D,G,C links just like non-DNA. If I eat pork (which is pig DNA) it does not make me a pig. That being said, image is everything. The EU has banned cloned meat, but with no scientific evidence or argument. I will commend the EU as they at least seem to listen to their citizens, and that seems to be an improvement over the USA gov't. (Another topic, so I will leave it at that!)
On to the topic of clones. I do not agree with cloning on the basis of non improvement. By the time you see that an animal is superior, and you go through the process of cloning, at least 5 years have lapsed and the breed should have moved forward. There are exceptions to that of course, but those animals are true outliers and probably not accepted at the time they were around and therefore not cloned.
I think cattle are cattle, regardless of "clubbie" or "purebred", but the industries are entirely different. Those differences make cloning "acceptable" in the clubbie industry but maybe not so much in the purebred industry.
As far as genetic diversity topic; every breed has plenty of diversity, but it is the lack of
use of those "different" bloodlines, and lack of true ingenuity and creative livestock breeding programs instead of just trying to sell a one time wonder.