We have had several CMAC Tyson calves over the past few years. All good solid showy calves. Several things I have found...
Easy calving. I have not used him on heifers as I employ the "old standard", all my heifers get bred to easy calving Angus bulls. However, I have him on second calvers that were still small and I was worried about pelvic size and maturity. The calves are not high birth weights and are not huge shouldered or hipped.
His calves are consistent good. Not just random like some clubby bulls to get a good one.
His calves are flashy, showy, good hipped, good fronted, thick topped and butted. Not, just good feeding cattle.
He also throws some hair. Straight and decent length.
Also throws good bone and has a big foot.
Possibly our second best steer calf was out of him last year and I have another real good one on the ground this year.
I have also, seen him at stud two different years. He looks like a good mature bull. He is not a small pud. He is not a down sizer on moderate cattle or as small framed as most of the current "clubby bulls". He is smaller framed than most Maines, which is why I like him.
I would also try keeping females back out of him bred to small framed, deep ribbed, Ohlde type angus cows, because of the more maternal bulls (for a Maine), in his pedigree.