Go to showsteers.com and look at Colorado listings. There are many more to choose from than mentioned above.
We have a private treaty sale at our place....see
www.coloradoclubcalves.com We pride ourselves on structure, feeding potential and good attitudes. If you cant lead them onto a trailer from our place, they don't leave.!
We are one of the five consignors to the
Spruce Mountain Elite Standards Sale. This sale is held in Larkspur, Colorado in mid October, 2010. Look us up on Facebook and become a fan for updates this fall.
Start checking our website in July. We are expecting some shorthorn calves out of Sonny Duece, Solution, Jakes Proud Jazz, etc. We are excited about the clubby calves out of Eye Candy, Monopoly, Rainmaker, Heatwaves and a few more "experimental" new sires.....we will keep you posted.