Congradulation to Greg Ruehle.

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Malinda said:
Guess I am going against the grain again, but here goes:

About 10 years ago I had trouble getting the ASA to call me back, delays in getting papers, etc. But in the last few years I have had no trouble. I called the ASA today to ask Shirley a question. She was gone to lunch, I  left a message and my call was returned within 10 minutes.

Just a thought: I always give them my ASA number to aid them in finding my account.


Malinda - they probably like you better than they like me! ;D dl


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
In all fairness, I have never had a problem with Shirley, she has not always been able to help me but she has always been pleasant.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
Malinda said:
Guess I am going against the grain again, but here goes:

About 10 years ago I had trouble getting the ASA to call me back, delays in getting papers, etc. But in the last few years I have had no trouble. I called the ASA today to ask Shirley a question. She was gone to lunch, I  left a message and my call was returned within 10 minutes.

Just a thought: I always give them my ASA number to aid them in finding my account.

Hey, this is just my opinion, and, i hope I'm not about to rile none o'yuns. When someone is simply recording births and/or transfering ownership of show cattle, the ASA office gals do an excellent job with the resources and time they are given to work with. The "kicker" is when performance data and epd's are involved. Those city-gals ain't a knot on a cattleman's ( cattlewoman's) forehead! If you have a call about why your pedigrees came back without EPD's, or, if your EPD's all have parentheses around 'em (when you submitted your data) , Well, that's when they become as contrary as the "Soup Nazi" on Seinfeld. Especially when the issue involves a blood-and-manure-stained piece of steno pad paper,or a sale-barn check stub, instead of the blanks on the back side of the registration forms. They'd much rather be dealing with someone pencil-whipping the weaning or yearling data, as opposed to someone like me, who sends in a document produced by a livestock auction yard with certified scales.