We have not talked to the breeder, thats an idea- she is still a pup and on the hyper active side- the other corgi the guys have is very well behaved, she however does not
respond very well to training, she just runs runs runs and barks barks barks, she minds the simple commands, sit and thats about it, the guys are running out of patience with her,
she barks in the pen, she barks out of the pen, she barks terrible at the lawn mower, she barks at the 4-wheeler, she barks period. Im gonna take her home here with me, where there
arent as many distractions, where is quieter and see how I do with her, 1st thing Im gonna do is put a training collar on her when I work with her. She does not respond well to yelling
either and is very head strong. She is like 9 months old I believe, close to a year. She is otherwise the sweetest happiest little dog, just a pain in the butt. I will follow alot of the
suggestions you have all given (EXCEPT THE SHOOTING PART AND THE YELLING PART) (argue) - I will keep you posted I sure am gonna have more questions Im sure in the following
weeks, I was just wondering of they are mostly on the hyper side. She sneeks out and chases the mules (got kicked hard the other day) and rounds up the cattle on her own so
she has to stay in her pen alot cause they cant trust her alone. In other words she is a naughty girl most of the time.