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mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
i agree in spirit that since a trade war erupted-weird things have happened-in a land where life is so cheap survival of the fittest and natural selection etc arent necessarily in play-with that kind of police state running things The distancing has helped slow things down  in some respects-and a life saved and or prevention can mean tens of thousands saved over time  versus doing nothing Whether containment-or mitigation possibly leading to abatement its all the same general attempt at fighting it to me And if Trump will continue to remain strong about adhearing to the basic tenents set forth in phases of this pandemic-That is a good justifiable move that will get him more votes right or wrong than alot of the other moves if it proves to work-I"m pretty sure he sees that it is working -and no doubt will let us know O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the trade war with china has been going on for a few decades now and the US has been losing for a long time.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
How long has it been since the tariffs etc became an out and out battle? Which it is at this point with some balancing back and forth-China was winning because CHINA IS CHEAPER and people are expendible there so trade balances go thier way every where and they say-why we buy commodity and good from you? our prices lower you match our price with your trade-or something to that effect  -Ask the biggest hypocrite of them all-Mr sanctimonious self satisfaction hisssself Mit Romney I dont allways disagree with Trump and I applauded when he trounced his pompous ass O0


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2012
mark tenenbaum, I'm very happy to see you've decided to start taking your medication again since yesterday!

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Duncraggan said:
mark tenenbaum, I'm very happy to see you've decided to start taking your medication again since yesterday! ////-  Pretty weak response-Is that all you got down there in Kangaroo Corner At least everyone else is responding with some sort reference to statistics and the real world LOL AS OF MARCH 2 2020 there were 27 confirmed cases in the 5 major cities of the US-AS OF TODAY APRIL 24 2020 THERE ARE 912.838 confirmed-and 51.608 deaths in the 5 major cities and some other areas  but not the total of the country I guess the only other comment I can make RE me and medication is you kept it simple STUPID O0


Well-known member
May 17, 2011
I don't think they have gone about it right. They have confirmed 2 death from first week of February that tested positive for covid 19. which means this was already here at least 2 months before we thought. On top of that i have seen 2 different reports from New York one 86 percent of deaths have either hypertension or diabetes and another were almost all deaths have high BMI diabetes heart or lung issues. If thats the case test peoples lungs heart and for diabetes if they don't have any of those get them back to work.colorado colorado results kind of confirm it. At the time it was posted 322 of 486 deaths were nursing homes. Which most patients would have heart and diabetes issues. I think it should be high risk extreme lock down and the rest of the people get this economy going before we have an even worse problem when this takes off during flu season for the second  wave and the economy ends up shut down for over a year and we are completely broke with no way out.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
THANK YOU and I appreciate your feedback Thats a realistic take on this deal-but with the number of fatalities across age and other groups there arent enough contributing factors yet for a 3 sizes fit all with hypertension seeming to be the largest contributing factor so far- Man-If I couldnt breath I know my blood pressure-which is thankfully very low would go ballistic It did once out of nowhere before when I went from being several million to having about $800 and millions owed-and I came real close to buying it -Thats whats so  scary-and you are right there RE: what happens when winter sets in again? A month and half ago-no one including me had really realized the totality of this deal-This looks to be an appocalypse if precautions are not taken,and warnings are not heeded, The 27 US cases march 4 2020 one month and 24 days ago-essentially were initially the cause of 28000 cases. Sounds like science fiction-but this a pretty silent threat and the exponential spread is beyond anything recorded  Going out a mid month and a half after the outset and acting like everything is normal is madness-Trumps done an about face=calculated (NO DOUBT) or NOT hes gonna have to stand up and drop the hammer-I think he will  O0


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2012
idalee said:
I think it is extremely interesting how a person who is 95 years old with terminal cancer can die and the credit is given to corona virus!    The numbers of new cases mysteriously spiked in Kentucky just after protests against the state mandated lock-downs.  Don't you think there may have just been a  re-categorizing of cause of illness/death, just to serve an agenda?  The man who died from corona virus after disparaging the lock-down is comparing apples to oranges.  There are people who die with corona virus and then there are those who die from corona virus.  This is an enormous difference but the two are counted together as all deaths from corona virus.  There is far too much political BS going on here and those who tried so hard to get rid of Trump with the various fabricated charges in the past,  are now the same ones who are the most vigorously promoting the need to hide in our homes afraid of the dark.  The damage already done to our country and the world as a result of this media driven panic in terms of economic devastation and the loss of our civil liberties will make anything the corona virus can do look like small potatoes.  Once the true numbers of infections are determined,  the disease rate and death rate will decline to levels similar to the seasonal influenza.    I hope the public is properly outraged when they learn they have been played for fools.


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mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
LIBERATE THE US LOL This week, the White House signaled it would wind down its coronavirus task force only to reverse course amid a public outcry. Last week, Mr. Pence refused to wear a surgical mask at the Mayo Clinic, then apologized.

The mixed signals extend to reopening guidelines: On April 16, Mr. Trump’s coronavirus task force released broad guidance for states to reopen in three phases, based on case levels and hospital capacity. But some members of the task force and other aides saw the more detailed C.D.C. guidance as a document that could slow down the reopening effort, according to several people with knowledge of the deliberations inside the West Wing.Speaking of RUBBISH-The toll is now over 76000 and if it takes off again-EVEN THE DONALD admits it could pass 175000 PROFESSIONALS WHO ARE QUALIFIED TO SPEAK ARE SAYING 250000-the US is already the sewar of the world in this respect in total cases and deathsNot-INDIA, MEXICO-NOT EVEN AFRICA-PS for all you superhumans who can create a resistance or "build" a resistance at will-EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE 1000 DIFFERENT STRAINS OF CORONA JUST IN BATS ALONE The new mutation which is now attacking children is considered BY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS TO BE MUCH MORE DANGEROUS ATTACKING MANY MORE PARTS OF THE BODY AT ONCE-(OF COURSE NOT SAY THE  POMPOUS FAT CAT PARTISON DOOFUS YES MAN  POLITICIANS WHOS ONLY REAL CONCERN IS AN ELECTION) When an elected MORON and so called responsible leader (intelligent is off the table) will not wear a mask at the Mayo clinic-I almost hope he gets Corona for showing off and being so STOOOOOOPID O0


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2014
So how do you really feel about this?  It really comes down to personal responsibility.  It is up to me to not get it and also build my immune system as much as possible so if, when I do get exposed I will be able to handle it as best as I can.  Insulting people won't help.  There are a lot of different opinions on how this should be handled and you certainly are entitled to yours.  I however am not entitled to your opinion.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
I guess that depends upon how you affect the safety of others -All of a sudden people think this has gone away -they arent wearing masks, they arent adhereing to distancing-a notable politician even encourages this type of thing stating that there will be a cost (REALLY-SHOW ME THE NUMBERS) but things need to open up-When it comes to that kind of thing-and my health or some one elses may be in jeaprohdy-I"m gonna call anyone out-And have a couple of times  O0


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2014
I live in a county that does not have a confirmed case yet.  I take my temp daily, I stay home and take care of my animals.  Meetings are done by teleconference with the exception of county commission meetings and there we meet in a large room.  If I need hydraulic oil I go get it.  I assume that I will be exposed at some time so I am building my immune system so I can beat it when it comes.  I wish everyone well.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
not sure what immune system buildup is known to be effective.

it seems more about a few conditions that makes one especially susceptible.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
beebe said:
knabe said:
not sure what immune system buildup is known to be effective.

it seems more about a few conditions that makes one especially susceptible.
[/quote try this.
  //////// Not a scientist but it would seem that a virus that change, mutate quickly and attack so many parts of the body is not simple and or something to be dealt with along the lines of home remedies-thats why there are no real cures available for viruses-SUCH AS THE COMMON COLD-COMPOUND THAT COMPLEXITY BY THOUSANDS-


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2014
You might be right but there are people that have had it without knowing it so maybe their immune system just handled it.  Either way if I am going to have to fight this I think I would like to have my immune system at its best when it happens.  I know the no sugar thing is tough.