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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
there are simply too many people on the streets in LA and Phoenix (and other countless areas) not wearing masks.

i've driven through there a few times and people are at street restaurants and other restaurants hooking up and bumping fists, hugging, chatting close together in large groups 5-20 people with no masks and no distancing.

that's just not going to work, well, maybe it is working, in a different way.

no one literally understands risk and meme it into a narrative


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
There is so much division over the simple but very necessary basics of clean hands and masks in public places I wonder how people can be such gimme gimmee gimmee mouthy brats I wont wear a mask I dont care if I cause 50 other people to go down -Along with the ridiculous pomopsity of those talking about armed revolution against  the dangerous communist (for lack of another cliche) infiltrators who oppose guns and have been here for generations NO: THUGS PIMPS, AND DRUG DEALERS-KILLERS DO NOT OPPOSE GUNS-DUHHHHHH  They are so self centered and spoiled that they are blind to the fact that the US is still the safest country in the world Other than the very real possibility of terrorist actions who they seem to have forgotten about in their zeal to prance around like fat out of shape camoflague wallmart blobs And I love Wallmart-so does ChIna-So-terrorists arent a danger-havent seen any armed groups of ARAAAAABS or armor plated camels lately in the far reaches of Oregon-AND THEY DONT VOTE NEITHER They are also too stupid to ascertain that the US is the most undeveloped country in the WORLD in terms of inaction and lack of control over the virus-WORSE THAN ANY BANANA REPUBLIC, DICTATORSHIP,COMMUNIST REGIME, OR SQUALID: AIDS- DRAUTH RIDDEN HELL WHERE PEOPLE ARE STARVING OR DYING OF THIRST O0

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
aj said:
Democrats can't walk down the street without out a central command agency telling them how to do it.///// I think you have the parties reversed-They dont worship every word of a  glorified used car salesman who changes his position every other sentence-And question the absurdity and total malfeasance of a totally inept administration to what is now becoming an out of control situation-SO NOW ITS ALL THE  HEALTH PROFESSIONALS FAULT-THEY SAID NOTHING AND DOWNPLAYED THE CARONA VIROUS-The comments and actions CURRENT AND PAST  RE ignoring and ridiculing health officials for months which is still ongoing, making fun of the idea of even wearing a mask, purposely not wearing one at a number of briefings, (THE NUMBER ONE YES MAN AND BUFFOON THE VP) Trying to fire or undermine so many people attempting to do their jobs-HAS CONVINCED ME-ALL YOU COWTOWING TRUE BELIEVERS WHO CANNOT THINK FOR YOURSELVES AND ARE TOO WEAK MINDED TO SEE THE OBVIOUS ARE TOO MUCH LIKE COMMUNIST BRAINWASHED COMRADS-ITS ALL A COMMIE PLOT BY NORTH KOREA TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD-FUNDED BY BILLIONS OF PRINTED US DOLLARS THAT ARE SO ACCURATE THE TREASURY COULDNT TELL-The same dollars that the COMMIE Russian mob purportably bought and respent on tens of millions of dollars of real estate when a mogul in New York was nearing bankruptcy His name is Donald Trump-FACT ACCORDING TO SETTLEMENT DOCUMENTS  NOT FICTION MINI MIND COMMIES WILL SOON  BE ON THE RUN AND HAVE TO RESPECT THE LAWS OF THE US AND STATES-AND THE RIGHTS OF EVERYBODY ELSE IN THE US -THE DEMOCRATS ARE COMING LOL O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
fact: the virus only spreads in church, not in protests.

this virus is much worse than fauci told us it was going to be.

trump was a racist for restricting travel from china and europe.

pelosi and biden told us so.

we never shut down for 40 days.  should have done so.

who knew.  only biden. he would have saved us.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Is that because protestors wear masks?  Key elements of the administration’s strategy were formulated by aides who for the most part had no public health experience and were taking cues from the president. They were increasingly dismissive of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert.
Dr. Deborah Birx, a highly regarded infectious diseases expert, became the chief evangelist in the West Wing for the idea that infections had peaked and the virus was fading quickly.
When did Fauci predict the long range effects of the virous being minimal-with minimal potential?-like to see that because he because he was issuing pretty strong warnings from the outset of the virus when there were only a handfull of cases in Washington State ETC ETC -Scroll back a few months ago on this thread and see Trump confidently saying that it is nothing to worry about-blown out of proportion etc on National Television-Was the News Cast Fabricated Trump certainly seemed to find the discourse valuable to his posistion at the time  Pelosi and Biden were at immediate odds with the Donald over his ignorance-sorry his ignoring the  catastrophic potential of Carona SO WERE A SMALL AND NOW GROWING NUMBER OF REPUBLICANS PARTICULARLY THE GOVERNOR OF NEW JERSEY YATTA YATTA ONCE AGAIN -show the money-I meant show me quotes where either one said that restricting travel from the epicenter of the virus or europe were rascist-those were probably the only moves I see that were right  AND once again-Although traditionally the not very bright leaders in places like Florida-Georgia, even Wisconsin  went along in lap dog fashion supposedly opening things up because our hapless so-called leader kept pouting and spouting against the attempts at  reason and the common sense wishes of MANY people from BOTH parties RESULTS-Florida is the highest and fastest growing concentration of the virus on Earth-Tulsa Oklahoma is having record cases week after week (GO FIGURE) the list goes on Then one Georgia buzz cut diplomat who has been seen wearing a mask in alot of areas sues the mayor of Atlanta for enforcing facemasks (note that mayor is positive for Carona-her husband is approaching critical status) THERE IS NO UNIFIED NATIONAL ADJENDA to try and test and control the pandemic -SO WHAT DO THE F@$%&*))KING IDIOTS DO NEXT? MOVE THE CONVENTION TO FLORIDA? Would you really think thats a responsible and intelligent decision?-or a play on  "constituants" they know are devout followers  who hang on every cliche oblivious to whats going on in front of them ? MAKE AMERICA IMMUNE AGAIN A GED IN EVERY FAMILY-NO I didnt say thatO0

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
                                                  OBAMA DID IT LOL O0


                                        PURE UNADULTERATED SENSATIONALISM


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
fauci, a complete fraud, when the camera is on, he does one thing. when it's off, he does another.

the masks are now a badge of cultural homogeneity, rather than simply a layer in protection.

the left now has their karen tennenbaum. also a proud fellow traveler.

the mask is just visible evidence for the karens on the left to cancel people, justify their cultural superiority over those that disagree with the communist left.

the mask offers minimal protection, but mostly for others and is a layer of protection, like with the plexiglass shield protecting high frequency interaction places like at retail

i wonder if the left says the plexiglass has to go because it's an oil product

perhaps they could come up with alternatives instead of bombing police cars, and other acts of terrorism.

we need to build but first we have to tear down everything.

there are plenty of places to go where that already exists.

but you won't see one protestor go there.

more important to tear things down, cancel people, divide the country.

their goals are now in the open, first communism, then socialism.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
trump said nothing to worry about because fauci and brix told him so.

do you have a list of top 100 causes of death? and false reporting

probably not, better to stoke the fires of communism.

you haven't got your talking points from buzzfeed, huffpo, madcow, lemonhead, marx


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

capitalism is not the problem. greed is. the rules have corrupted capitalism when those who have the power to write the rules to eliminate competition. sort of like a king, despot etc., congress and corporate america are simply a many headed tyrant.

all these guys have good things to think about. social discourse is no longer possible.

something sorely missing today.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Apt description of him Couldnt have said so better myself so I didnt have to watch the videos-the disjointed rants are evidence that they must be  similar illusions similar to bi-polar reactions I have seen over the years when baby doesnt get what baby wants O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
You make my point.

Fraudci is a fraud.

He said they were not needed, something you won’t admit and he was wrong on several counts.

And he proves it by continually taking it off.

And now, significant cases come from home as well but you are so narrative driven and a pull toy, you can’t even understand that protection extends to the home as well, especially since older people are more vulnerable 

I get it. Your hero’s are Engel and Marx.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Poor baby. The bully can’t take what you dish out.

What a joke you are. A bigot as well.

Which is your favorite principle of communism.

Two sets of rules? One set fir you and another see for everyone else?

Fellow traveler.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Fauci said masks were not necessary-and made no effort to warn Trump on 40-50 documented occasions first about the potential dangers-then the clear and present danger Really-with that third grade toilet logic Trump is the biggest hypocrite for now wearing a mask and not doing a Florida convention-Possibly  because after the huge spike in Tulsa Oklahoma-Total disregard and mismanagement of Corona and the vindictive way he has reacted to everything HE HAS MADE A TOTAL HORSES ASS OF HIMSELF AND THIS COUNTRY-His ratings are in a free fall-Many Republicans are distancing fast So your adopted 15 wanna be  minutes of imagined power and supremecy are also down the toilet There's also bipartisan rejection over the obvious ploy of sending feds into Democratic led only cities-when the protests are nationwide  The integrity of basic rights per the constitution is a finite document that knows no political affiliations nor financial considerations Its clear that the protests have bad apples making trouble-but the murders and or treatment of people black white whatever has to be addressed Officers take an oath-just like our military  -You posted a video the other day RE Communists trying to take over the world or some stupid cliches-One of the female organizers of course is gay From your feigned wounded reaction and accusations of my being a bigot-you were betraying your own people-If you are that outraged maybe you are gay too Admit it There again-only your shrink knows for sure-Im in construction-Some of my best customers are Gay couples Good money-funny people especially if they grew up from a working family-not entitled cowboy wanna bes The guys and contractors I work with are Latino-some black, rednecks, and some Koreans my partner in masonry is from El Salvador-his girls go to Catholic School his son is a star rugby player in college-Wanna tell him im a bigot? Or come up to him with your smug self satisfied Bay Area me generation attitude and tell him to leave the country? Hes 6  4 and has survived a very deadly war torn Country and underground gangs GO AHEAD PUUUUNK MAKE MY DAY Of course you wont-You dont have the parts to walk into a room with guys like that You are just another follower and  pawn-and hopefully your hero is out the door Maybe then you can learn to think for yourself  VOTE FOR ME-I HAVE BEEN NOM IMINATED BY THE RONCEVERTE WEST VA LITERARY AND LIQUID REFRESHMENTS SOCIETY TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT OF THE US AS AN INDEPENDENT-<alien> O0