ShowCalves2010 said:
I guess you wouldn't have killed bin Laden and you're probably in favor of legalizing marijuana as well....
Ron Paul: As President, I will not be able to waive a magic wand and solve all of our problems overnight. I will have to work with Congress and build consensus from the American People.
But, there are several things that I will do right away to strengthen the fight for Constitutional government.
1.I will veto any spending bills that contribute to an unbalanced budget.
During these tough times, the American people are tightening their belts and making sacrifices to make ends meet. So should government.
2.I will veto any spending bill that contains funding for Planned Parenthood, facilities that perform abortion and all government family planning schemes.
Like millions of Americans, I believe that innocent life deserves protection and I am deeply offended by abortion. It is unconscionable to me that fellow Pro-Life Americans are forced to fund abortion through their tax dollars.
As a Congressman, I’ve never voted for any budget that includes funding for Planned Parenthood. Instead, I’ve introduced the Taxpayers’ Freedom of Conscience Act to cut off all taxpayer funding of abortions, so-called family planning” services and international abortionists.
3.I will direct my administration to cease any further implementation of ObamaCare.
4.I will on day one of my administration begin to repeal by Executive Order unconstitutional and burdensome regulations on American business. I will be the first President to shrink the size of the Federal Register. We must create a favorable regulatory environment for U.S. business. This cannot be stressed enough.
so no it doesn't mean he wants to legalize marijuana and imo legalizing it would save the us money and bring more profit from all the dope smokers it was also mean there wouldn't be a need for all these little Mexican pepole trying to earn a living to carry 400 lbs of it to the boarder