County Fair Judges

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
knabe said:
Why is it a good thing if simmi's dont have leather?

Duh , because Bill Clinton instated a little know law that all cattle are to become completely Angus appearing whether they are purebred or crossbred by 2020. In this age of homogeneous equality, breed characteristics need to be killed off so no particular breed has any identity or genetic advantage over any other. Conspiracy theorists are of the belief that TH was introduced by the government to kill off Shorthorns and Club Calf bred cattle because they will never be able to comply.   


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
There is politics in every single aspect of life. It may not be able to label it as politics but its the same idea. Example, how many kids do you know that get playing time on a sports team because their parents have money and "sponsor" the team? There is cheating in every single sport in life. EVERY SINGLE SPORT!!!! Showing cattle is no different, in fact I think we are worse. No one likes this business more than I, but even I refer to this game as "THE BATTLE OF THE BIGGEST CHEATER". Even if you didn't cheat and win, You still good accused of being a cheater. Think about a thief, even if he didn't steal anything, if word gets out he was accused, nobody likes that guy. Every county show has more drama in it than any major show. Just because he is familiar with Devon cattle, doesn't mean he isn't qualified to judge other breeds of cattle remember that. I don't raise herefords or Limmys, doesn't mean I can't judge them, I just choose not to breed them. if your cattle are truly really good, then you shouldn't be worried. Go in and at least be the barn favorite and let the other people talk about how you should have won. If your cattle aren't barn burners and that's a secret reason why your worried about this judge, Next year go buy one. Remember, every show has about 6 different ways the top 3 can go. So does the best calf get picked at every show? NO!!!! You have already won some shows, you just might lose a few too. Remember you have to pay your dues, nobody wins every show. Do the best you can and sleep good at night!!! There have been multiple times when I have walked in the ring and knew the judge personally before he was asked to be the judge. Sometimes I won and sometimes I lost.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Sizzler14: Thanks for the post, I do agree with you. Our family has no secrets to hide. Not all of our cattle are great. Our market steer went boom to early and is over finished and we know that and are not worried about him but I feel he still moves good enough for a county fair blue ribbon. We have no intentions to go any place other than county fair with him. The other weak link would be our cow from our cow/calf pair. She is a Monopoly cow which surprisingly had a very nice udder but hip height really stinks as Monopoly cattle are known for but she is raising an awesome 1/2 blood Simmi steer which a friend is leasing for prospect calf class. The rest of our animals should shine!! I think they look great!! We just hope for next year the selection process will be a little different but as long as he is a man of good ethics we will be just fine.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
Read the thread.  I agree that the judge should have declined due to a conflict of interest with his customers being in what appears to be a very small show.  That said, I think you have one of two choices here.  One is to be all about the politics of the situation.  Politics are in every facet of life.  No getting around that.  This year for us, our fair judge is the man who we got out first show heifer from many years ago.  We are personal friends.  I was on the committee that elected him.  Now my question to you is should we not show because of my conflict of interest?  Get my point?  This business is a rather small community and someone will always know someone.  What I do know is our judge will smile and might have a kind word for our child and he will be fair. 
Your other choice is to NOT defeat yourself because of who your judge is.  Is that the example you want to set for your children?  I bet it is not what your family is all about.  Do your best no matter who stands in the ring.  If you believe in your stock then represent them to the best of your ability and wherever you stand in the line so be it.  If he favors his breed over other more competitive animals people will see it and they will also see a family that is not defeated because of politics.  I know it is hard.  We have been on that end with a very deserving herf heifer that was defeated in such a manor.  I was most rewarded that day as I sat in the stands and heard an older gentleman who has been a cattleman for years comment to his wife we had the best heifer in the drive.  People know how the animals should place.  Doesn't change the color of the ribbon for the day but how you go into the show sure determines if you are a winner or a loser.  Have fun and be proud of what you have raised.  We are taking homebreds this year and the heifer is a 3rd generation going back to our first champion.  She is nice but if we get beat, oh well.  Good Luck and have a fun fair!
Lastly, if you want a say in who is hired then get on the committee that is hiring them.  If you want change then be a part of it.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
We are certainly trying to be a part of the selection but in our county only one person selects the judge and contacts him or her. The fairboard just pays the judge. We did contact the fairboard and last night they were suppose to have a meeting to discuss the judge. I agree that it is hard to find a judge that doesn't know someone, but in our county raising cattle is not that common in general and we don't have many show kids so it is a little easier. The list of judges I saw had only two judges that I think would have conflicts. Whatever happens for this year we will have to deal with but hopefully we have made the fairboard more mindful that only one person is making the decision on the judge. I am very proud of our cattle and one that we are showing is a third generation which is awesome. We will just try to do our best as we always attempt to do.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
I think you summed it up mainemother when you said you were proud of your cattle.  THAT is what is important. I will NEVER raise a type of cattle I do not like just because of a judge. That will wreck a breeding program quicker than anything. Now, if you are just a halter holder and are just showing with no intent to actually raise or create a program, then by all means, buy what you think the judge will like and take your chances.
I think you have the right attitude, and have raised your kids to understand that ones mans opinion doesn't make it "right" or "wrong", just makes them the "expert of the day".

Suggest to your fairboard to make the judge selection a committee and have 5 on the committee. One youth representative, one parent, one fairboard, one beef community member, and one "at large".  Then when the selection is made, do NOT announce it. Maybe give the president of the fairboard (if they are not connected to any beef projects) three options and have them call one and set it up. That way, no one can try and get an advantage by "contacting the judge" for whatever reason.

I am always amazed at the people who will not show under certain people, or who condemn a certain show, but then when the judge is announced, show up and do very well.  Some play the game better than others, and I always have to shake my head because many of the "purple banner winners" are usually not "winners" in personality, or life. They are not popular in the cattle industry or the breed they represent. I will trade the banner for friends any day.

Good luck, stay proud, and remember, One man's opinion doesn't make it right (unless you are Obama  ;) )



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i've known quite a few people who win consistently who are nice people and help out a lot.

i've known people who lose a lot consistently who are not nice people and never help out.
Aug 11, 2013
Hey this topic seemed pretty interesting. I am a little new to these forums and wanted to find some good topics. I assume that by now your county fair is over. How did your family turn out in the show?

I know in Kansas our state fair doesn't require a trip to be earned in a state fair line-up.

I grew up showing cattle and know exactly what you and your family is going through. But... I know from experience that believing the judge will condemn your cattle before the show even takes place may be a stretch. The best you can do, like stated before is just show the cattle to the best of their ability.

Also by naming exactly who the judge is on this forum is very risky. I'm sure it wouldn't take much for a person to see this thread that knows him. By naming who it is may send a false message to people he may do business with in the future. Who knows, maybe this thread can even hurt the reputation of the breed he is passionate about. Like many other breeders, I'm sure yourself and your family are passionate about your cattle and your operation, which in turn I'm sure the judge is passionate about his cattle an his operation. You say this judge has clients in your area. Those clients I'm sure are passionate about their cattle as well. My advice is to not let winning and earning that trip to the state fair get in the way of showing off your cattle or your reputation. Even though that trip is very important to your family, this judges reputation and his business is equally important to him.

I would love I hear how you and your family did at your county fair and hopefully you earned that trip to the state fair!