I think you summed it up mainemother when you said you were proud of your cattle. THAT is what is important. I will NEVER raise a type of cattle I do not like just because of a judge. That will wreck a breeding program quicker than anything. Now, if you are just a halter holder and are just showing with no intent to actually raise or create a program, then by all means, buy what you think the judge will like and take your chances.
I think you have the right attitude, and have raised your kids to understand that ones mans opinion doesn't make it "right" or "wrong", just makes them the "expert of the day".
Suggest to your fairboard to make the judge selection a committee and have 5 on the committee. One youth representative, one parent, one fairboard, one beef community member, and one "at large". Then when the selection is made, do NOT announce it. Maybe give the president of the fairboard (if they are not connected to any beef projects) three options and have them call one and set it up. That way, no one can try and get an advantage by "contacting the judge" for whatever reason.
I am always amazed at the people who will not show under certain people, or who condemn a certain show, but then when the judge is announced, show up and do very well. Some play the game better than others, and I always have to shake my head because many of the "purple banner winners" are usually not "winners" in personality, or life. They are not popular in the cattle industry or the breed they represent. I will trade the banner for friends any day.
Good luck, stay proud, and remember, One man's opinion doesn't make it right (unless you are Obama
