ZNT, Our county has a hard time making change on going to slick shear, or changing the date of show to an earlier date. We finally did away with the maximum weight limit in August for the upcoming year. Last year you could not weigh-in over 700 lbs. on August 23, the Simmi weighed 680 lbs. and put on 600 lbs. and the Shorty weighed 649 lbs. and put on 661 lbs. As for the hair we were fortunate to have calves with great hair and kept it through proper care and a cool room.
Nutterbutter, The baldy is a FrictionxSimmi cross we purchased from Stephen Custy in Pilot Point, TX. I believe he picked him up in South Dakota. The Shorty is out of a son of Eskimo JoexDouble Stuff cow that I hand picked out of a pasture in Northern Oklahoma and would like to keep the rest private. Not being rude, but the prices are very fair and I would like to keep my honey hole away from the buyers if possible.
Thanks for all of the feedback and compliments the boys strive to do better each year. The oldest has purchased a steer already for next year and the youngest is in the process of looking. We are very lucky to have the most dedicated Ag. Science teacher in the county, and he makes sure to put good calves in the hands of his students.