Cover of January Black,OOPs I mean Shorthorn Country

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2007
Alberta, Canada
I think this topic was to bait me to say what I was thinking for most of Denver. The commercial-oriented Shorthorn breeder may look down on a crossbred of undesirable heritage winning the Louisville show but I am sure the adage "Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" applies. If those showring bloodlines are the downfall of the Shorthorn breed, do YOU have what it takes to take us the other direction? Are you sure all those outcross bloodlines have exactly the right product to gain us commercial acceptance?

I am appalled at the number of flat-sided, flat-footed, short-strided, short-necked, low-performance, bad-headed, unsound PUDS that are being promoted as "the commercial answer" because they are not Trump influence. Really? THAT'S what the commercial cattleman wants? I beg to differ. Some of these bulls couldn't make it to the feed trough, nevermind chase down a cow.

The commercial man already has a frame 5 Angus-based cow herd. Shorthorn breeders planning on replacing the Angus have an impossible task in front of them. Whether true or not, Angus are perceived as providing good maternal traits on a moderate frame, adding good carcass characteristics, and being low-maintenance. We ARE NOT going to change this perception, and unless the goal of a commercial cowherd changes, we are banging our heads against the wall trying to provide what the Angus are already doing. In my mind, any breed which compliments Angus (Simmental, Charolais, Hereford) is our competition and we need to address producing Shorthorns that will compete with what these breeds can do. Having a low-birthweight Shorthorn bull is all fine and dandy - but until that bull can provide the power to give Commercial breeders payweight, they are going to buy a Simmental bull – and we are going to miss the boat.

I am disappointed to say I have used some of these 'commercially-oriented' genetics with sorry results: cows that were open by the time they were four, no milk, bad udders, and poor production. I am afraid the 'showring backlash' is creating an artificial market for some genetics that are no more commercially acceptable than some of the bloodlines that are winning the shows. Sure, other 'commercially-oriented' producers can't wait to snap up those genetics and pay a premium, but are these genetics really producing pens full of good-performing, rugged, easy-doing, sound-structured, fluid-moving, big-nutted bulls with 80# birthweights? Is the commercial man who makes his living off his cowherd really getting in on the action? How many of the people at these so-called commercial sales are ACTUALLY commercial cattlemen? I think there are a few Shorthorn breeders who will do what it takes to build these cattle - and there are a few more out to make a quick buck selling "outcross genetics" to anyone willing to jump on that train. The right bloodlines do not a scrupulous breeder make.

In my mind, the Shorthorn breed has a long way to go before we have the kind of cattle that will produce the right commercial results - and frankly, looking through the slim-pickings of Shorthorn genetics in the yards and on the hill, I'm not sure that we have many bulls that will do it – Just my humble opinion.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
shortyisqueen said:
I think this topic was to bait me to say what I was thinking for most of Denver. The commercial-oriented Shorthorn breeder may look down on a crossbred of undesirable heritage winning the Louisville show but I am sure the adage "Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" applies. If those showring bloodlines are the downfall of the Shorthorn breed, do YOU have what it takes to take us the other direction? Are you sure all those outcross bloodlines have exactly the right product to gain us commercial acceptance?

I am appalled at the number of flat-sided, flat-footed, short-strided, short-necked, low-performance, bad-headed, unsound PUDS that are being promoted as "the commercial answer" because they are not Trump influence. Really? THAT'S what the commercial cattleman wants? I beg to differ. Some of these bulls couldn't make it to the feed trough, nevermind chase down a cow.

The commercial man already has a frame 5 Angus-based cow herd. Shorthorn breeders planning on replacing the Angus have an impossible task in front of them. Whether true or not, Angus are perceived as providing good maternal traits on a moderate frame, adding good carcass characteristics, and being low-maintenance. We ARE NOT going to change this perception, and unless the goal of a commercial cowherd changes, we are banging our heads against the wall trying to provide what the Angus are already doing. In my mind, any breed which compliments Angus (Simmental, Charolais, Hereford) is our competition and we need to address producing Shorthorns that will compete with what these breeds can do. Having a low-birthweight Shorthorn bull is all fine and dandy - but until that bull can provide the power to give Commercial breeders payweight, they are going to buy a Simmental bull – and we are going to miss the boat.

I am disappointed to say I have used some of these 'commercially-oriented' genetics with sorry results: cows that were open by the time they were four, no milk, bad udders, and poor production. I am afraid the 'showring backlash' is creating an artificial market for some genetics that are no more commercially acceptable than some of the bloodlines that are winning the shows. Sure, other 'commercially-oriented' producers can't wait to snap up those genetics and pay a premium, but are these genetics really producing pens full of good-performing, rugged, easy-doing, sound-structured, fluid-moving, big-nutted bulls with 80# birthweights? Is the commercial man who makes his living off his cowherd really getting in on the action? How many of the people at these so-called commercial sales are ACTUALLY commercial cattlemen? I think there are a few Shorthorn breeders who will do what it takes to build these cattle - and there are a few more out to make a quick buck selling "outcross genetics" to anyone willing to jump on that train. The right bloodlines do not a scrupulous breeder make.

In my mind, the Shorthorn breed has a long way to go before we have the kind of cattle that will produce the right commercial results - and frankly, looking through the slim-pickings of Shorthorn genetics in the yards and on the hill, I'm not sure that we have many bulls that will do it – Just my humble opinion.
Very well put.. atleast there are 3 people who are yet to be brainwashed. 

And it only takes 3 letters to name the bull who is siring the calves you talked about in the 2nd paragraph! And it's not (GSS)  (God's Shorthorn Savior, as most people consider him)


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
the truth said:
The trend I see... is that they all trace back to a cow that you own!  The other trend I see.. is that everything is a Trump.. Trump this, Trump that.. and breed it all back to Trump again...  

You people speak out of both sides of you mouth..  You say how great Trump is.. but then you say what all Shorthorns have for the commercial man..  Yes, I agree Trump has formed the Shorthorn breed, as has your cow.. since SULL bought her son, and so did a zillion other people!   Let me ask you this.. how did your cow's EPD's get affected when her son's got thrown out?  

What has Trump ever done for a commercial herd?  nota!  Again, yes Trump has affected the whole breed-- good towards the showring.. bad towards real world cattle.  

Putting my $ where my mouth is.. does it take me to publish $97,000 selling heifer calves.. putting the $ where my mouth is.. That's saying (mouth) and 97000 (money)!  I'd say it be about the same as the real deal.  

Man, I can tell you are all about the showring..  Have you ever thought that maybe the "real" people, don't give a **** about the showring and the fluff/ puff?  
mooch said:
the truth said:
advocate said:
I believe in louisville a couple years ago joseph osullivan did win champion over all breeds in the junior show with a purebred shorty

well hot damn.. what did she do for the breed thus far?  Bet when the show fat melted off. she was just another hard calving, hard doing TRUMP!

Dude you got several screws loose somewhere! He answered a comment you asked in a civil matter and you go off on another tangent.You go off bashing shorthorns and club calves and then want to know what club calf bull to breed you show line shorthorn cow to so you can cash in . You sound dangerous.

Ya I ask questions.. and most of them are in response to someone else (*friends) that are wanting my thoughts... yes I own that Shorthorn cow.. but dont' really give a **** what she gets bred to.. t hus her getting bred to herd bull in the last 2 years.  

Hell, I'll even put my name on here too..

Jody Kabat
Lake Land alum.. and same age as your sister.. spent pleny of time around her!

and my email


Don't know who you are talking to, but my sister is a 40 year old Physical  therapist professor. Maybe you do know her from some sort of cerebal damage you have suffered.


Active member
Dec 14, 2010
Congratulations on a great fete accomplished by the Shorthorn breed.  All Shorthorn and Shorthorn Plus breeders should be proud.  To The Truth and Trevor Grey Cattle Co shame on you.  You seem to bash anyone who has success in your breed that doesn't agree with the exact type of cattle that you beleive in and raise.  People who cant open their minds usually find life more of a struggle than it needs to be.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2007
3060 South McNaughton Rd. Douglas, ON. Can.
The front cover of the Country didn't bother me at all. I personally think it was a great choice of pics. Only seeing a pic of the heifer I would say she is an animal that I would most definitely like to see up close........she looks gooood.
Perhaps some of the folks on here who are bashing the Shorty's on the  commercial end of the biz, should take a look at the genetic make up of most of the breeds available out there. Maybe they have, and are hoping that nobody draws attention to this fact. Shorthorn genetics  can be thanked for alot of these breeds' existance. This is JMHO and before anyone wasn't only Shorthorn blood that got these breeds off the ground, but they certainly did their part to create the breeds.
Maybe the Country should run an issue with a Charolais bull and start advertising Shorty's as " Breed Creators". Now that would ruffle some feathers in every corner of the cattle business. JMO.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
mooch said:
the truth said:
The trend I see... is that they all trace back to a cow that you own!  The other trend I see.. is that everything is a Trump.. Trump this, Trump that.. and breed it all back to Trump again...  

You people speak out of both sides of you mouth..  You say how great Trump is.. but then you say what all Shorthorns have for the commercial man..  Yes, I agree Trump has formed the Shorthorn breed, as has your cow.. since SULL bought her son, and so did a zillion other people!   Let me ask you this.. how did your cow's EPD's get affected when her son's got thrown out?  

What has Trump ever done for a commercial herd?  nota!  Again, yes Trump has affected the whole breed-- good towards the showring.. bad towards real world cattle.  

Putting my $ where my mouth is.. does it take me to publish $97,000 selling heifer calves.. putting the $ where my mouth is.. That's saying (mouth) and 97000 (money)!  I'd say it be about the same as the real deal.  

Man, I can tell you are all about the showring..  Have you ever thought that maybe the "real" people, don't give a **** about the showring and the fluff/ puff?  
mooch said:
the truth said:
advocate said:
I believe in louisville a couple years ago joseph osullivan did win champion over all breeds in the junior show with a purebred shorty

well hot damn.. what did she do for the breed thus far?  Bet when the show fat melted off. she was just another hard calving, hard doing TRUMP!

Dude you got several screws loose somewhere! He answered a comment you asked in a civil matter and you go off on another tangent.You go off bashing shorthorns and club calves and then want to know what club calf bull to breed you show line shorthorn cow to so you can cash in . You sound dangerous.

Ya I ask questions.. and most of them are in response to someone else (*friends) that are wanting my thoughts... yes I own that Shorthorn cow.. but dont' really give a **** what she gets bred to.. t hus her getting bred to herd bull in the last 2 years.  

Hell, I'll even put my name on here too..

Jody Kabat
Lake Land alum.. and same age as your sister.. spent pleny of time around her!

and my email


Don't know who you are talking to, but my sister is a 40 year old Physical  therapist professor. Maybe you do know her from some sort of cerebal damage you have suffered.

I am not refering to your sister.. I have the slightest, nor desire to know anything about you, or yours.. I am referring to Mr. Hahn's sister- Callyn Hahn... 

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