it cost something to ship the sample, which you pay for, just like ordering semen. i usually have it done when something else is being done, to save on ranch call visit, so i will do it if my neighbor is vaccinating their horses etc. the 27 dollar fee goes to the lab. so you pay your vet to draw blood and ship it, including postage. i haven't done it via a hair sample. i did blood so i would guarantee there would be plenty of dna for both tests and genotyping later and woudln't have to resubmit a sample. perhaps, when a new test is found for monkey mouth etc, you won't have to redraw a sample. shipping is cheap. not sure what you are getting at with vets policing the system. i would have the blood drawn on a monday or tuesday, just in case there was a snag in the process that the sample wouldn't sit over the weekend.