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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
Hey you coyote hunters.... we need your help!!!!!!
Last night we lost several lambs... been losing over the past week or so, the lambs have bite marks on the neck, but not eaten.  Just caught and killed.
Husband and I are having discussions about if its dogs or coyotes.  I'm thinking coyotes and he's not sure... we do have neighbors with dogs but thinking the
dogs chase them down and chew them up on the hind ends?  Give us some ideas on how you hunt and kill coyotes.
We've got to put a stop to this.  Up all night I guess tonight.  :mad:


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2009
there was a thread not to long ago about how to cure coyote problems, try a few pages back in the "big show forurm" titled coyote hunters of somthing like that, look there for some ideas, what ever the problem is i would shoot it even if it was the neighbors dogs



Well-known member
Mar 10, 2009
SW Oklahoma
Send me a pm and let me know where you're at in TX and a few more details.  I need to know how much land you've got that this is taking place on, how close to other houses..... etc.  I'm kinda gifted at eliminting problems like this.  ;D

Show Steaks

Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
Arion, Iowa
jlingle said:
Send me a pm and let me know where you're at in TX and a few more details.  I need to know how much land you've got that this is taking place on, how close to other houses..... etc.  I'm kinda gifted at eliminting problems like this.  ;D

Sounds like the same gift i have!

coyotes that are well fed will sometimes "thrill" kill lambs/ sheep just to have fun or stocking up for a den of puppies
steel wool soaked in bacon grease kept away from all pets will solve your problem


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Sounds to me more like dogs.  Usually coyotes kill to eat.  Make sure you document the ones killed to defend yourselves against the neighbors if you shoot their dogs.  It will hopefully keep things more peaceful between you and neighbors.  Good luck. 


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2010
Denison, Kansas
Don't really sound like coyotes getting them but that is really hard to say without knowing all the details, space, neighbors, number of sheep there and the like. BUT, belly bombs work on both of them. (Bacon greese and steel wool or meat laced with antifreeze) but be careful about the neighbors. That dog you just killed all the sudden becomes mans best friend when he is dead at the hands of others.
Not that long ago we had neighbor dogs and they got really smart and sneeky and knew just about when I would show up and the like. Might change your routine a little, get up a few more times, (knew you would like that one) leave some lights on or the radio if it is so you can. Most anything to break up their train of thought and if so they will go where it is easier to play or get fed.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2010
Several bowls of antifreeze with raw meat around the perimeter should take care of it

Dyer Show cattle

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2009
Indianola, IA
I would say most likly dogs and not coyotes. Usually dog or a wild pack of dogs kill more for fun than coyotes. Best investment we ever made was a great pyreenese dog, never had it trained but it would run all night protecting the farm. It would run like a radar start out close to the house and sheep lots, then head out towards the pasture where the cows and calves were then work its way back and go out again. For the first couple years we were not sure what she was doing, thought she was just running wild at night. My dad locked her up one night and we lost 2 litters of baby pigs that a couple sows had in a open barn, something jumped the 4 ft wall in the barn and took the pigs. Dog never got locked up again and we never lost another calf, lamb, or pig due to animal kills.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2009
SW Oklahoma
Guys, both coyotes and dogs will kill for the fun of it.  All canines will, from foxes on up.  A fox will get into a henhouse and kill everything it can catch, and maybe not eat anything.  Coyotes and dogs both will kill as much as possible, then go back through and eat the rear ends and guts out of a few of the kills.  That's just how they're wired.  They're good at killing things, and they enjoy doing it.  Whoever came up with the idea that "humans" or domesticated animals were the only things in nature that killed for fun is looney.  The animal rights whackjobs have been preaching that as "fact" for years.  The strange fact of the matter, is that nearly all species of predators will kill sometimes just for the sport of it.

If it turns out to be dogs that were killing your sheep, make sure the owners are held accountable for your losses.  Next time they'll work harder at keeping little Fifi at home.  Just like your cattle and sheep are your responsibility, their dogs are their responsibility, and I don't feel a bit of sympathy for anyone who won't care enough for their dogs to keep them at home.  If you don't wanna bring it to their attention, then follow the 3 S method.  Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up about it.  "Have you seen my dogs?" Nope, but I'll let ya know if I do.

I still think poison is the way to go.  Cyanide bombs are probably the most civilized way of dealing with your problem.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Northwood, Iowa
Too bad we don't live closer. My son, and his friends have shot 30 of the D--ed things in our area. They are headed for the Dakotas next week to hunt them up there.
They are really getting to be a problem around here. One cattleman near us had a calf grabbed right after it was born. Two held the Mother at bay, while another two grabbed the calf, and ran off.
Great Pyrenees, or Anatolian Shepard's work great as herd protectors. It is what they are bred to do. They work against ALL predators, Coyotes, dog packs. Donkeys, and Lamas work as well.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2007
here is what we used, until we ran out of coyotes.


  • Hunting 041 - Copy.jpg
    Hunting 041 - Copy.jpg
    87.8 KB · Views: 235


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2009
Sask, Canada
They are one smart creature because a year ago I put out poison in fresh raw hamburger.Mixed it and used gloves to keep human scent off. With all the snow and the cold winter I thought they would of scarfed it right up. Went back 2 days later and they never touched it. If they pass up a free meal after a long cold winter they must know that something is fishy!! Maybe the anti-freeze would work. We have not lost a animal yet but our daughter has bought purebred katadins and hope that our donkey will keep them safe when they go out this summer.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
You're dealing with dogs, either stray and abandoned or "roamers" from the neighbors. Very rarely will coyotes kill for "fun". While dogs do it very commonly.
Why not put up cameras that you can buy at any sporting goods store to see who the offenders are. Then go to their home, and ask for payment for the lost animals, and to put the offending dogs down.
Or you could just shot the dogs, then when the neighbor ask if you have seen them, you can say, "not in awhile, but I will sure keep my eye open for them."


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
Husband thinks its dogs.  We contacted the trapper and he has covered the place with everything.  So hopefully will end soon.  Moved the sheep closer to the house no losses last night we don't think.  We had a pack of neighbors dogs in Dec I think kill 5 ewes near our entrance, bayed em up and chewed them up, most lived but died soon after.  Found the culprits of course our dead beat neighbors said "it wasn't our dogs" when husband actually saw them with his own eyes.  Got the county animal guy picked them up and disposed of them.  Never sued them though those sheep were nice and about $750 or more loss.  Probably should have.  Won't make that mistake again.  We lost a wonderful dog just about a month ago.  Bandit was an Anatolian/Pyranees mix and stayed with the goats.  Husband got another pyranees and Bandit.. well guess thought he was on vacation... started wondering.  Husband found him dead in a snare.  He didn't tell me that till weeks later.  Haven't found a dog that will stay with the sheep.  Working on a donkey though.  I really feel for you guys that fight those coyotes up north... we've been pretty lucky I guess overall.  Thanks for all the replies.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
xxcc said:
why don't you have some pyrenees?
Well we do like I mentioned in previous post... we have one but he stays ONLY with the goats.  I think he thinks hes a goat.  He's not like our old Bandit dog we had who roamed around the whole place till he got to wondering.  Got a pup not too long ago and after a few months he decided he liked to play with the sheep too much and eventually started killing them.  So.... you know how that ended.
Just hard to find a good one.  IF anyone knows any that have been raised with sheep PLEASE let us know... all these around here seem to have been with the goats.