ranch4profit said:
Where is the link to the video of this bull? Figured with JBH being an owner there would be a video before a pic.... didnt think you took pictures anymore <cowboy>
Question for JBH why do you have the picture in black and white? Why wasnt the bull in Denver with the rest of the new bulls?
The bull has been at John Pluths in Estherville being cared for, which is about 5 hours from me. Goretska was supposed to clip him for Denver the day we got a foot of snow, and they couldn't get him down here to clip. He was just barely fat enough to go to Denver anyway, and on top of all that I got really sick and wanted to die! So we punted.
Why b & w?......It just looks better to me, and it's DIFFERENT.....the bright yellow color of the straw took away from the bull, and the exposure wasn't as perfect as I would have liked. You can't tell it in black and white as much. I'm TRYING to post the color pic, but can't get it to upload.....