If you are wondering how Cut Above's siblings look, here is a full brother to him:
A little on calving ease and calf size that you probably already know, but I'll just say it incase someone could find it helpful: Calf size is a mix of the cow/heifer, the bull and the environment. If you have a calving ease bull, but the cow has so-so calving ease numbers and is fed a high protein diet the last trimester of her pregnancy, then the calf is more likely to be bigger than a calf out of the same bull bred to a cow with good calving ease who is fed a lower protein ration. I bred a heifer to Cut Above and am just going to watch her closely. If it helps any, our herd sires that we use on or our heifers have similar BW and CE EPD'S to Cut Above, and we have had no problems calving yet. Our old heifer bull that we sold recently had a high BW, and not so great calving ease numbers and out of all the heifers bred to him, we had to pull two MAX.While EPD's are a good tool to use as a predictor of certain traits, they are still easily manipulated. If you are wondering about calving ease, check the accuracy of the EPD's of the bull in question. I uderstand you being concerned about CE for your heifers though. Good luck, and I hope this helps! ;D