The first time I saw Dividend and Improver was in Denver in 1976, I think. I was on the ISU judging team and they were on exhibit in the yards if I remember correctly. I took photos of them with my old polaroid. Wish I could find them now. I ordered two canes of Dividend and one of Improver, but found out later the bulls were only registered as 3/4 or 7/8 bloods with no chance of offspring ever entering the herd book as purebreds. I cancelled the order. Of course, a few years later they were accepted as purebreds. I find it interesting today that people call cattle tracing to the Deerpark cattle as asterisk free. However, if you try to look at the extended pedigree of any of the Leader or Improver cattle, you will find there isn't one. Dividend, just as my Lazy D Ultimate Type bull, was sired by Deerpark Leader and his ancestry is listed as Foundation. Nobody really knows for sure what's behind Improver, who is Clare Man? Most likely the source of TH? It doesn't really make any difference to me, but I think it is kind of amusing that so many people that promote their cattle as asterisk free have dead end pedigrees, ones that trace to Foundation, whoever that was. Tulip 5th was the dam of Dividend 3J, TA Leader, etc., I think.////IN 1990 I WENT TO IRELAND (SOUTHERN ) AND VISTED JOHN MCNALLY (HIGHFIELD) EDWARD QUANE-DEERPARK,BALLYART-WHO HAD THE SHACKELED UP CRIPPLED BALLYART VANTAGE-2 SHORTHORN COWS- 1 MAGNIFICENT HEREFORD COW (CANADIAN BREEDING) ,AND PADDY O MALLY-(THE BANKER) WITH WHAT HAD TO BE A 2700 POUND DEERPARK SCARLETT COW-AND A 2000 POLLED HEREFORD COW FROM CANADA WHAT REMAINED OF QUANES HERD-AND MCNALLYS CATTLE-WERE 10-30 INCREDIBLY BEUTIFULL COWS UP TO 22-(NOT A MISPRINT).OF AGE-AND EVERY DAM ONE OF THEM WAS ENTIRELY DIFFERENT . I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE SEEN CATTLE THAT GOOD-OR THAT DIVERSE IN THE SAME FIELD-IN MY LIFE.