Six Mile said:In your opinion, what constitutes being "honored" (if you can call it that) with the title of STEER JOCK? A trader, a big time player, just what is the infamous "Jock"?
Good Post! (thumbsup)oakbar said:"Steer Jocks" are kind of like "Politicians". There are some really good ones, but they're are darn sure enough of the other kind to make you take your time forming any opinions.
Oh, by the way, I think there is another category--"Wannabe Steer Jocks". This group may include people who have shown at at least one show, sold at least one calf that was shown at one show, or are related or close friends with one of the the other types of "Steer Jocks". They sometimes are parents of someone who has shown at one show or maybe even have at one time or currently do live across the road from someone who owned three or more cows. Many times these are the most vocal and opinionated of the entire group and will have strong viewpoints on a wide array of issues whether you want to hear them or not. They may live by the motto:"I am often wrong, but I am never in doubt!!" They are usually found standing in the gate leading to or from the showring and are totally clueless to what is actually happening around them other than they've cornered one poor soul who is polite enough to listen to them without walking away.
They're probably the second most irritating group of people around the cattle industry--right after grisled old Iowegians who post idiotic opinions on open forums.
oakbar said:"Steer Jocks" are kind of like "Politicians". There are some really good ones, but they're are darn sure enough of the other kind to make you take your time forming any opinions.
Oh, by the way, I think there is another category--"Wannabe Steer Jocks". This group may include people who have shown at at least one show, sold at least one calf that was shown at one show, or are related or close friends with one of the the other types of "Steer Jocks". They sometimes are parents of someone who has shown at one show or maybe even have at one time or currently do live across the road from someone who owned three or more cows. Many times these are the most vocal and opinionated of the entire group and will have strong viewpoints on a wide array of issues whether you want to hear them or not. They may live by the motto:"I am often wrong, but I am never in doubt!!" They are usually found standing in the gate leading to or from the showring and are totally clueless to what is actually happening around them other than they've cornered one poor soul who is polite enough to listen to them without walking away.
They're probably the second most irritating group of people around the cattle industry--right after grisled old Iowegians who post idiotic opinions on open forums.
If in webster's dictionary that picture is under steer jock, does length of ear enter in.Dusty said:I looked up the term steer jock in the Webster Dictionary. This is what I found:
Main Entry: steer jock
Pronunciation: \ˈstir\ \ˈjäk\
Function: noun
Etymology: Modern American
Date: Mid 20th Century
1. An amateur who spends his money working with showsteers with regards to feeding, clipping and fitting
2. A professional who makes his living working with showsteers with regards to feeding, clipping and fitting
See also: