I just noticed your post/picture this morning. Calrossie Welcome was in the ancestry of almost every popular bull I remember from the early 60's, when we first got started with Shorthorns. Louada Farms put a very extended pedigree of their herd bull, Louada Rothes King, in Shorthorn World sometime in the 60's under the banner "How soon can a great blooline fade away?" or something like that. Under that heading they wrote "As soon as you let it." They were linebreeding Bapton Constructor, along with his ancestry including Calrossie Welcome. I think the two bulls listed behind Welcome were Calrossie Harmony and Lawton President Roosevelt. There may have been another generation shown, I can't remember. Rothes King's sire line went like Louada Bonaparte, Bapton Constructor, Calrossie Constellation, Calrossie Welcome, Calrossie Harmony, Lawton President Roosevelt, and then it seems like there was one more, maybe a Glastulloch bull. Louada Farms had a lot of success breeding Rothes King to Bapton Constructor daughters. Billy Anderson in Iowa owned a full brother to Rothes King, Louada Rothes Prince, and was as tough to beat in the 60's as anybody around. I bought a daughter of Prince in the late 60's. She probably matured at 1,050 - 1,150 pounds. We used Leader 21 afterwards to get them up out of the mud.