Well I wasnt excited either of the candidates last time around. I was ready to see Bush out of office but wasnt necessarily looking forward to a Democratic takeover. I am an independant voter. I think we need true bipartisinhip to make it work, but unfortunately I dont see that ever happening. I am really ready for Obama to be out of office. I have been paying a lot of attention to the Presidential hopefuls lately, and I have to say the one who has impressed me the most is the underdog that many had never heard of, Herman Cain.
I had never heard of him until the South Carolina Republican Debate, but I was very impressed with the way he handled himself. He is very no nonsense, doesnt blow smoke, and commits to what he says, he doesnt change stances every 10 minutes because he heard somebody didnt like what he said, or because his last statement didnt get a standing ovation.
I also like his stance that we need to get the Federal Governments nose out of things it doesnt need to be handling, and I especially like his stance to cut the bull with all these tax cuts and stimulus plans that were supposed to and didnt. As he put it, government does not create jobs, businesses create jobs, if we want jobs then we need to get the government out of businesses way and let the businesses create the jobs.
If you havent heard of him I think you should check him out. To me he is a breath of fresh air.