Aj, I'm no expert on EVERYTHING in the whole world like you are...I was only trying to say that I really like the bull and what he has done from my experience. I agree that show cattle often have very little practicle use in the commercial setting, from my understanding I have always thought you never want any extreme in a commercial setting. Show cattle are extreme, in any one direction or another, that's what sets them apart from a common type cattle, that's what catches a judges eye. There are so many things that you do with show cattle to make them look are certain way that are fairly stupid in my opinion, but my family and I along with many others in this country enjoy the time spent and the lessons learned while doing these silly things. There are a tremendous amount of shorthorn cattle out there that work great in a commercial environment, (even those environments that exists outside of where you live), which I'm sure you are convinced there is no such place outside of your own little world. THAT is why SHORTHORN cattle are a GREAT breed of cattle. Same old story, do what you want, others can do what they want.