This is a great topic! I have not replied to any posts for a long time-- I am always out here stalking the site, but have not posted in a while.
In looking for other avenues to generate income on my farming operation, I have tried this model in 2017 and 2018. It started with an inquiry from an independent general store owner that had the right permits, etc. to sell meat in his store. It was some distance from me, but I was more than willing to deliver directly to the store all future orders for no extra fees. I was also charging him wholesale prices on the meat. Long story short-- I only sold him one order-- there was nothing wrong with the meat, he loved it, customers loved it-- just never got him to COMMIT to a regular order on a regular schedule (which is what he needed in his store). That has been the biggest hurdle for my wholesale and retail business by the package-- I have had this with restaurants too.
I have also used my local farmers market-- I have some regular customers that are in love with the product-- but the biggest feedback at the market is pricing-- we have a Wal-Mart that sells meat dirt cheap. The biggest problem is working against (if you want to say it that way) the cheap meat. The customer is looking at the bottom line. I have talked to the other vendors at my market and they say the same thing-- everyone comes looking for a "deal"-- they (average joe customer) don't get the concept that the direct from farm is better and does have some premium to it.
I have also found that the time commitment is very large to try to sell, sell, sell. I have to balance this with a regular full time job-- it can be done, but I kind of have burned out.
Also I am not going to hound people to death to buy-- If a restaurant/store is interested-- I will try to work with them for awhile, but I am not going to call, visit, call, visit and bug them to death-- I don't like that sales approach for myself, so I am trying to be respectful to them by backing off a little.
A lot of my sales are in the moment-- Customer says-- I am here I will buy it, but once I am out of sight-- out of mind. I do have a couple faithful package customers, but most people aren't going out of their way in my area to contact me on a regular basis.
Everyone who has bought my shorthorn beef has loved it when I get feedback from them-- so I know the product is good.
Overall this experience has been fun and a great learning experience, but the per package meat sales have not panned out and I am discontinuing in 2019. Now on that note-- I am still maintaining my bulk sales-- wholes, halves, etc.-- these customers are pretty loyal once you get them on a regular yearly schedule. I am going to try to get some of the package customers over to the bulk. Plus, I can sell without the retail inspections, etc.
Great post!