Do cattle have sensitivity feelings?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
no one came off negative.  people have sensitivity feelings too.  good points.  i guess i really am db cooper (thread hijacker).  i did have a succinct (for me) comment that was in line with the thread.

i had a steer slaughtered in the pasture.  his momma looked at where he fell for two days and had a soft moo.  she would sniff where he fell and just stand there.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Okay...I think this whole post just got slaughtered!  Knabe are you on something?


Well-known member
May 31, 2007
Nacogdoches, TX
Yesterday my oldest son participated in a local livestock judging contest at the local university who purchased our show steers.  They had the Shorthorn located in a barn with a window in front of him.  As my son walked by the calf recognizes him among all of the kids and starts bellowing at the top of his lungs and would not stop until my son entered the barn to love on him.  His personal steer was tied to a rail in the slaughter grading category and kept attempting to turn and get to him when he walked up.  It really thrilled my son to know that he had truly made a connection with these animals through a year of care giving.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
Dusty said:
I had a heifer once that in order for her to come in heat-you had to light some candles, play some soft music, and tell her she was prettiest one I've ever seen

you mean that you dont have to do this for all of your heifers??? (lol)


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Davis Shorthorns said:
Dusty said:
I had a heifer once that in order for her to come in heat-you had to light some candles, play some soft music, and tell her she was prettiest one I've ever seen

you mean that you dont have to do this for all of your heifers??? (lol)

the pasture has been kinda desolate lately.....

Rocky Hill Simmental

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
We used to have this huge red bull (he was actually 1/4 buffalo) and he was really smart. When you wanted him to get in the trailer, all you'd have to say is, "Walk in the trailer, Big Boy" and he'd walk in there and just stand there until you closed the door. The only way he'd get out of the trailer is if you said, "Get out of the trailer, Big Boy." He was so smart. He was old though (10 years when we got him) so we didn't keep him too long.

Then there's the show heifers. Some of them will see their rope halters and run up and stick their heads in them. Others will flee at the sight of their halter.
I had one simme heifer get out of her pen one night (a few nights before Christmas) and walk down the gravel road. Someone went to my neighbors house and said there was a car chasing a "big baldy steer" down the road. He went down and looked at the "steer" and it wasn't his so went to our house and told us about it. We went down there and it was my show heifer. He asked if we needed any help chasing her back in the pen so I told him no because I could just put her halter on her and lead her back. He just laughed and said "yeah right." So I went down the hill, put her halter on her and lead her back into her pen easily and he said, "I never saw anything like that before in my life"

One of my previous show heifers "talks" to me. I'll walk out my front door, she watches me. I'll say something to her and she'll bawl in reply to everything I say. She's spoiled though. I always pick grass for my show heifers and they eat it from my hands.

Cattle have feelings. They're also smart.  ;D Well, most of them are smart - there are some that aren't.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
An animal I believe is smarter than cattle is a pig.  If you have ever showed pigs and worked with them a lot on a daily basis you would be amazed at some of the things that they learn how to do and some of the things you can teach them to do.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Dusty said:
An animal I believe is smarter than cattle is a pig.  If you have ever showed pigs and worked with them a lot on a daily basis you would be amazed at some of the things that they learn how to do and some of the things you can teach them to do.

I caught a pig in our county fair scamble. Got another one the following year. That pig would jump up & down when I got off the school bus. Needless to say, I got many a cruel joke because of it.



New member
Apr 5, 2008
Seneca, KS
This rant is bad, verrrry baaaad.
It's like a four page tribute to vegetarianism. 
This is anecdotal evidence for the "animal rights" kooks into which they can really sink their teeth.

Makes me wonder if I could get by without a beautiful, juicy, red, succulent piece of prime rib for
dinner if the choice was beef or tofu.
I know what I would do, but reading this almost makes me wonder if I shouldn't feel guilty afterward.

Poor Fuzz he tasted so gooooood! 
Poor Commander he licked my hand the last time I took his halter off before sending him to his untimely demise.
We loved that guy so much (and he loved us)  we even took a pic of him eating his last supper.(See left.)
That bare footed,four year old blond pixie led him around all summer and he followed her like a lamb.

OMG, what have we done???!@?!



Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Whenever we butchered a calf or a hog and then whenever we cooked part of him for supper we didn't say pass the roast, we said pass the (calf's name here).


New member
Apr 5, 2008
Seneca, KS
I hear ya.
I raised two hogs one year called Excellent and Awesome.
We ate Excellent and dear friends ate Awesome. 
Whenever we saw our friends they would tell us how they had had an Awesome meal the other night. 
We would always end the meal with "Hey Mom, this pork roast was Excellent!!!  :) "
I knew she loved that pig 'cuz she never found our spasms of laughter all that funny. 

Now the four year old is giving it all back to me and I get to hear "Hey Mom,  now I reallllllllly like Commander!!"
Then she sticks her fork into a tasty morsel and starts licking her chops.
It just isn't right.  He was our dear beloved pet. 
Pay backs are H--