Don't Blame Cattle for Climate Change!

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Interesting article:

BEEF Daily Quick Fact: Leading authorities agree that, in the U.S., raising cattle and pigs for food accounts for about 3 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, while transportation creates an estimated 26 percent. (Source: UC Davis)

Amanda Nolz December 10th, 2009
Well here is a refreshing statement: “Smarter animal farming, not less farming, will equal less heat. Producing less meat and milk will only mean more hunger in poor countries,” said UC Davis Associate Professor and Air Quality Specialist Frank Mitloehner in a press release, Don’t Blame Cows For Climate Change, sent out by UC Davis News Service. Referencing false claims about agriculture’s connection to global warming, this is a great article to educate consumers about the rumors they are hearing in the media. Of course, as we already knew and understood, it’s not about the cow burps; it’s about us. If we want to improve the environment, it is up to us as consumers to renew, reuse, recycle.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2008
South Texas
I have no problem with the three R's, I think everyone should do it. Even though I live in the country I recycle plastics and glass and send it with relatives who live in the city, and I use totes for grocery shopping (it gives me warm fuzzies knowing that I'm not using plastic). But all the climate change stuff is...I can't even think of a word. How ignorant are the scientists backing this idea? The weather on this planet has only been recorded for a mere millisecond in comparison to the earth's life span, and how can they even make any scientific judgment based on such a small sample of information? I don't understand why they manipulate the data to support their cause, shouldn't they be relieved that climate change is a farce and ourselves and our great great great grandchildren are gonna be just hunky dory in the future?

Do you mind forwarding the article to the UN?  ::)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
LN said:
Do you mind forwarding the article to the UN?  ::)

won't matter.  the UN will rationalize anything to generate revenue from governments since they produce no real product.  so by default, they have to promote fear to justify their existence while their workers commit rape and financial fraud at the highest rates of any citizen of the earth.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Chicago style politics has gone National and now thanks to the folks in Norway and Copenhagen......our fearless leader is going global....and to show how serious he him circumvent Congress and single handedly redirect the EPA to stick it to industry and agriculture.    :mad: