Dr. Scholl's Freeze Away

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2011
Has anyone tried the Freeze Away on show cattle with warts?  Our heifer has quite a few small ones popping up.  I gave he vaccine this morning, but our county fair is in 4 weeks.  She's a black Monopoly heifer and I'm worried it might cause white spots like when you freeze brand.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
Idk about leaving white spots but I know a guy that swears it works on small ones but I just had a conversation with my vet today about it and he says crushing them with pliers is still the best method.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2011
SE Oregon
I'll second that.  The ONLY thing that worked quick was to take needle nose pliers or even dikes and pinching them off, trying to pull out a root if there is one.  Will bleed and make scabs, but you have a month to heal up. 
I guess you could try the freeze off method on a few and see how fast they fall off.  If not in time, pull them to.  Even if you froze them off, by the time they fell off I don't think you would have enough time for the hair to grow back white like a freeze brand in a month.  Either way, I'd take anything vs. a wart when showing.  Good luck, I feel your frustration, we battled the heck out of them last year. 
Just a friendly suggestion. Next year, early when you first wean or get your new show calves, since you have had them I would go ahead and give them the vaccine right when you get them.  Then in a month, give it again.  We did that this year, and no warts!  I think getting it in their system early really helps.  IMO

cowman 52

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
San Angelo Texas
Use liquid nitrogen, be ready to work quick. Nitrogen in a styrofoam cup, you need about 2 table spoons, pour into a 3 cc syringe with out the plunger, turn it upside down over the wart. It will evaporate in a few seconds. Use side nippers to cut the wart at skin level. Cold makes it not bleed, not long enough to turn hair white, cold kills pain from nippers, and you are done. The freeze away might work, but does it get cold enough.

You can use feed sack thread, forceps tie it tight around wart, it will fall off in a few days, the bigger the wart, the longer it takes. A big wart may take a second thread in a couple of days.

Just a suggestion.