I got a big surprise last summer when I DS tested the rest of my donor cows that had not been done yet. One of the oldest cows, who has a non appendix pedigree, came back as being a DS carrier. She had been in our herd for many years and I had never had an issue with any of her progeny and she herself, is as sound made as you can find. I had 7 daughters in our herd , and so far I have tested 5 of them and all are DS free. I tested the donor a second time and she came back as a carrier the second time as well. When going back in her pedigree to try and see where this defect is coming from, I did find Deerpark Improver however, he is 9 generations back in her pedigree.
I would think there are lots of other breeders who have DS carrier females in their herds and don't even know it. IMO, the hoopla over the DS defect has been overblown considerably. To me, TH is a more destructive defect but lots of breeders actually try in include a TH carrier in their breeding program.