Have fed lots of ground ear corn and its great stuff.
Only advice I have is that feeding finishing ration of 80% ear corn and 20% Purina fortifier is to much corn and needs to be cut with something.
Yes - learned the hard way. Acidosis from to much corn.
Figure will still use the fortifier and ear corn, but will not be 80% corn. Figured that the cob and husk was enough to dilute the ration, but 2 years of on and off mild trouble (on and off feed, light bloat, poor gains, ect).
Not quite sure yet the solution, but will cut with something. Any suggestions anyone -- beet pulp, or cotton seed, was told that oats was high energy and would not buffer acidosis? Was feeding grass hay to.
Have back grounded lots of calves and raised replacement hfrs on ear corn and things been great, but not feeding as much or pushing them like these show steers.
Have a good one