the truth said:
hntwhitetail said:
Is there a better breed registry and search besides the one the Chi association uses? I wish the Maine would switch to something a little more user friendly like this. It is nice to be able to search by progeny.
shorthorn is nice and easy to work with, perhaps one of the better I have seen.. just don't try and do it on the weekends, as it is always down. I do not like the angus, as you cann't search progeny
Don't you raise pigs and goats?
Stupid is fixable with education... Ignorant is not...
We have
A milk goat (and her sister), and have raised
A litter of pigs from now and again to butcher... and that has what to do with anything? (clapping)
But if there is any question as to what we have out there.. Let me be clear, as for stupid people who can't get their facts straight...
We have 60 some Oxford brood ewes, 5 Southdowns, and are starting a small set of Suffolk ewes (about 10 currently). These Oxford ewes have produced many champions at state, national, and international levels. The Southdowns, we really could give a shat about, and the Suffolks are brand spankin new. I have also experience either raising, or showing an additional 12 breeds.
We milk about 100 dairy cows, a mostly conglomeration of all six dairy breeds- but leans heavily towards Jersey, Holstein, and Milking Shorthorn influences; and of course their crosses. I used to show these, back when I was in 4H, but have since out grown the ring. I would say about 80% of these cattle trace back on the bottom side, all the way back to when Grandpa was in high school, and his Holstein herd back then. We have purchased a few females over the years, but most never done anything for us, and were shipped. We strive to maximize hybrid vigor in our dairy herd- a good majority is the size of Jerseys, who *almost* (80#/day) milk like Holsteins, and give 4.3 butterfat... which entitles us to a premium on the paycheck.
We have about 60 beef cows- about half of which are Black or Red Angus based, and about the other half with is dual purpose Shorthorn based. We have a few beef shorthorns mixed into the joint. These cows raise, and sell feeder calves. I have bred with and tried out about every kind of bull out there over the years, by way of breed, genotype, etc.
We have 2 milk goats, and another coming yearling that we might milk as well- if we decided she's better than one of the old ones; which will be shipped. These goats go to the neighbors to get bred, we knock the babies in the head when they are born, and we milk the old goat. Her milk raises baby lambs when we have bottle lambs, but for the most part, her milk feeds baby calves- the Red Angus sired, dammed by our Milking Shorthorn first calf heifers.
Annually we always raise a litter of pigs, back then was for showing, but now just for eating... This year was the first we have not.
We also farm just around 2500 acres of corn, beans, wheat, and hay.
Now, I have registered everything on the farm, except the goats, and have registration papers in hand on pretty well everything as well. I have dealt with my on line lookups in my day, perhaps as many as anyone ever has. The sheep breed associations, at least that I deal in... aren't on line yet.. Heck, some just got a website a year ago- and have not updated it since.
Anymore questions? Or Ignorant comments regarding my basal heritage?