We also live on a frontage road that is very busy, so our external fencing is 4 strand barb wire with one hot wire running along the length of the fence. Everything interior is electric, and we run off of one Gallagher (and have for four years now). Our permanent pasture is set up with three-wire high tensile electric wire, and then run management intensive grazing inside those pastures and use a single strand poly wire that is moved as the grass is eaten/grown. Works great for us, we just wind up the poly wire on a roll and move it over to the new location; less than 15 minutes to move cows/calves from one section to another. The great thing is we have gone from baling twice a year to get enough hay to get through the winter to stockpiling grass and only baling once. Last year we grazed cattle most of the winter except when the snow was too deep to get to the grass, then had bales dropped for the girls. Saved us lots of money since we did not have the second cutting to pay for and the cows naturally fertilized the grass!!!