Finally something I don't have to look up or think real hard at!! Imagine that?
Years ago when the ET industry was young and growing, it was understood early on that we needed a universal grading system - notonlyfor personal use, but for the yet to expand sales portion of the industry.
It comes to general "Morpholgy", and that means what the embryo is doing in it's shell. Here is the breakdown and the standard deformities logged when the embryos are graded, all done by visual means.
#1 -- At the 7 day flush time frame, a perfectly formed and growing embryo will have from as few as 60 to as many as 150 cells on day 7 , these are normally call "Morulae", and are tightly compacted into a group of cells that are - as a group - almost completely round in shape as a ball. A number #1 embryo will have NO dead cells, have no loose material inside the shell ( Called a Zona ) and crisp looking.
#2 -- These embryos are essentialy the same, but may have an out of round shell, may have one or more dead cells lying close to the live ones ormixed in, and will usally have a small amount of loose material inside as well, a result of the degeneration of one or more cells at an earlier age -- say when they were 2-3 days old. This will not severely affect this embryo as long as the main cell mass appears to be normal for that day of collection. These will run almost the same conception rate as a number #1, I have even seen them do better for some strange reason?? Go figure?
#3 -- These will be severely malformed usually, will have a large degree of dead material inside, and the main cell mass will be almost covered upwith dead or dying material. The shells will usually be out of round, flat sided even and will stick to the bottom of the dish like a suction cup. I use these depending on the situation. How many recips, how valuable the cow is, sometimes we only get #3's I hate to say, so we do the best we can on that day. Conception rate will usually (SUCK) for lack of beter terminology, bottomline it is not very good!
If you were to flush your donor on day 7.5 today 8 -- these #3 egg would all be dead or so bad they would not be worth even taking out of the dish. They are ad ead give away on quality grade --a day 8 embryo will be almost twice the size -- both internally and shell size as well -- as a day 7 embryo. The shell will be stretched out by the ezpansion of the blastomeres (Cells) and will look like a hollow ball --a see thru one if you will. Day 7 egg are solid and compact.
Hope this gives you all some sort of refference point. For sales of embryos, if true dilligence has been taken on the honest grading, a #1 will not be much better than a #2, both for survivability and value. It is for the most part-- a MIND game on these two embryos. One always likes to hear the word "Perfect". I might inject this one thought -- I have seen literally thousands of very good embryos -- but I am almost possitive, I have yet to see what would be considered a "PERFECT" embryo -- what ever that might be. We have set high standards for this industry --it pays big dividends most of the time, this quality grading system is just one of many things we do to make this work as well as it does. I am proud to be part of it!