Sullivan's is hardly a monopoly, being the only supplier at the Nationals hardly makes them a monopoly. If someone else wants their favorite supplier to be there, then I suugest you tell them to get off the pocket books and fork out the money Sullivan's does to help these organizations. I know the next statement will be Sullivan's is larger and its unfair. Well Sullivan's is larger because they put the blood, sweat, and tears into being that way. They are larger because they get out there and sponsor events and put on events, they do Stock Show U, they give scholarships, they develop new products. How many new products have the other companies developed that were not copying Sullivan's??? It seems to me like every NEW product that comes on the market is released by Sullivan's first, then within a year or two every other show supply company has their version of it. Its this inovation and product development that not only helped Sullivan's get ahead of the competition in the first place, but keeps them there. Nothing is stoppiing the other companies from releasing something new and beating Sullivan's to the punch, but they dont do it.
And for the argument against Family owned vs. Corporation, yes Sullivan's is a Corporation, a family owned corporation. At least to my knowledge they are not publicly traded or have stockholders. Every other family owned show supply company is also a corporation because they are incorporated as a business.
I am not some die hard Sullivan's supporter, hell I find the cheapest way that works, I am one of those that mixes my own concoctions. But it seems like people are trying to dog Sullivan's here, and Sullivan's is a great company that honestly from what I see does a LOT more to help this industry and the kids than any other Show Supply company. Maybe someone else sees the other companies putting on the events, camps, etc and giving the scholarships, but I havent. Its simple business economics, the associations needed big money sponsors to make the shows happen, Sullivan's stepped up to the plate. Plain and simple, its a win, win for everyone(well except the companies who cant just pull in and sell their stuff now, but if they would have forked over the dough then they could have had the "monopoly")