BTDT said:
Is your heifer going to be a "good drunk" or a "bad drunk", or do you know? The answer to that will determine the use of everclear.
Is your heifer wild? Spooky? Not broke? That will also determine if you use a "cheater drug".
Remember EVERY drug can have very adverse affects that will make your animal a nightmare to handle, if you can handle them at all afterwards. I would strongly caution against using anything that might have unexpected results.
This is a very good point...your comment regarding adverse effects.
The biggest problem that I have is that these things all make one look like crap. They are tired, they want to lay down, they won't hold their head up, they won't pick their feet up, their tops loosen up. They just plain look terrible compared to what they look like without it.
We will typically give our calves a little "slow down" for their first show, which is when they weigh about 550 lbs. It takes very little, and the calves are small enough that the kids can out muscle them. After that, we will show one that is a little edgy and just live with it. We would rather have one be a knot head in the ring and look good than the other way around.
They are like puppies, they have to be taught. And we all know how hard it is to teach an old dog a new trick. Teach them when they are puppies! It is so much easier.