Back to back years at our County Fair. Judge is contracted on a 2 year cycle, so this was the same judge.
2014 Monopoly Money steer. Good steer, good looking, 1375, fat, sound, good handling. Stands 1st in class for the entire class. Judge goes to the mic, puts down the mic, and switches the top pair leaving us 2nd in class. I just couldn't believe it. When he switched them, there was a "gasp" in the crowd. Several people approached us and apologized. I was bummed, my kids were mad, and the breeder that raised our steer was irate. I loved the steer, and thought about taking him on to State Fair. Carcass results came back, 10.5" ribeye, Choice -, the judge was right.
2015 Unstoppable steer. Super sound, big haired, 1285, fat, good handling, and ugly fronted. Not a bunch of leather, just buffalo fronted. Several people approached us before the show even started, telling us that they believe we were going to win the show. I thanked them politely, and shook my head inside. I didn't like the steer, never did. We bought him because we know who was judging and what he used the year before. The steer was too light for my taste, and it was what it was. Steer goes on to be picked Reserve Champion. Honestly, the worst steer we had ever shown. I actually felt bad for some of the families that were left standing...steers that I personally liked better. Carcass results came back, 16.5" ribeye, a whisker from grading Prime, stands 2nd in the carcass evaluation (behind the champion), the judge was right.
County fair is one tough show to judge. Most of the time, there isn't a REALLY good steer there. There are exceptions, but generally speaking that is what I see. A judge finds themselves picking and placing cattle that don't fit together, and don't really fit their liking. Often times, their safety net is the carcass results.
It doesn't matter what we think, good or bad. It is one person't opinion on any given day. Many times, these judges know much more than I think they know...once the rest of the story is told.