So if everyone is going to get upset about the shorthorn plus deal than why isn't everyone complaining about the Chi association? They only need 6.25% Chi blood to register a calf and be eligible to show as a purebred at national shows.
Breeding cattle born on or after January 1, 2012 must have a minimum of 6.25% Chianina blood in order to participate in ACA nationally sponsored shows or sales. Breeding cattle with less that 6.25% Chianina blood are still eligible for registration and may still be shown or sold at any show or sale other than ACA nationally sponsored shows or sales. Nationally sponsored shows or sales include the following: The Southewestern Stock Show & Rodeo held in Ft. Worth; the Junior National; the National Show in Louisville; and the National Western Stock Show in Denver.
Please note cattle born before January 1, 2012 that have less that 6.25% Chianina may still show in ACA nationally sponsored shows.
Everything highlighted in red has been copy and pasted from the Chi website.
And to continue, (Not that I have anything against you JTM so please don't take this as me attacking you) how can people register cattle that are 3/4 blood and call them purebred when they have a 1/4 of another breed in them? Technically they have more than one breed in them which means they should be crossbred. What I am trying to get at is that if you eliminate the shorthorn plus program then almost every breed association shouldn't exist either.