It's 4;30 friday morning and we can't see out of the house. This is the third snow storm in the month of october with at least 6 to 12 inches of snow plus 1to 3 inches of rain in each storm. We live in western Nebraska and have 90% of our fall work yet to do(corn,beans, hay,ship cows home out of the hills). We, like most people in this area ship our cows to the sandhills during the summer and bring them home to cornstalks but that is not going to happen this year. On top of this we had a record year for hail so most everyone replanted so there is hardly any corn, or beans or beets harvested, and most of everyones hay is yet to be put up(most of it around here is sadan grass that we usually bale in Sept). The kids are healthy, the clves are home, and we still have electricity, but we could sure a break. Keep praying and try to smile..