Farm Therapy

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2007
Northern Missouri
So tonight on my local news they showed about these people that did this research. It was pretty interesting. They did a research on different people who had some different types of mental type disorders. They sent them to a farm for 3 hours twice a week for 12 weeks to do farm stuff. Like ride horses, milking cow, cleaning barns, and just being with the different farm animals. The researchers found out that the people who went to the farm learned to "cope" with their disorder better in life after their farm visits than the people who didnt visit the farms. Guess this just goes to show that most of us farm people are just very sane and hopefuly relaxed with all of our farm lives. I thought this was very interesting!



Well-known member
Oct 4, 2007
Alberta, Canada
I think this is probably very true. There's something very calming about working with animals. And nothing like hopping on the back of a horse and just going somewhere to blow off some steam!

Increased crime rates in urban centres sort of supports this theory - not just because you know your neighbors in a rural setting - but because you have some other way to get rid of the stress!


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
I don't doubt it for a minute,,, being a mother of a Autistic son, we have always felt that our lifestyle has had a lot to do with how well he is doing. At the age of two , he could have been called a "classic" Autistic, little to no eye contact, no speech for a long time. His therapists, thought our spontaneous life (chaotic) made him learn to deal with it, rather than giving in to constant routine. Mind you it was a bumpy road. We are 4-H leaders, my daughter shows all over, so he had to go , and go , and go. He used to get sick walking into a barn (noise, smells) but now does very well, a couple of years ago , even raised and showed a pig....major step. He wore headphones to block crowd noise, but did very well, and the crowd was in tears, as was I. He tolerates the cows, likes my daughters steers, ' cause they are meat! At one time he thought he wanted to show a Holstein, thank God that was a passing fancy (no insult to dairy people, but we raise beef cows, closest I have is then thought he wanted to show skunks...butt facing out , of course. ;D People pay a lot of money for children to swim with dolphins, I have no doubt that it works,,,,but I'm glad that we are able to have access to  this environment instead. Temple Grandin who wrote "Animals in Translation" is Autistic, big time Animal behavioral specialist. Good read if you get a chance.....I know we all have time , right??!!  Jessie


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
no truer words were spoke....i left the "farm"  about 9 yrs ago....after 26 yrs of the same place of employment....and the "worries" of econimic capture of a big company and the uncertainities the new "global work envorioment" and the"uncertanitites of an actual "retirement" that was/is sweeping this country......i decided then that this was my last shot at "doing something else"..was i soon to become to late in i left my 20+ hr job...( that alone was enough to put me in quite a new area  of " worries")....and after 3 so years of 26 hr days.....sleepless nights and worries i never experienced, and working my self thorugh that, and the realization that the God of my understanding is making my new paths now.....wheew...what a more pressures ..except the ones " i put on myself"...i can really compicate things sometines with trying to do the things " i want to".....i believe that god speaks to us in several is thorugh jesus christ, one is through the word we recieve from our church ( bible) one is through our consience, and one is thourgh we enjoy the smell of summer comming...see the beautiful things around us.....caring for our ( gods) animals....and our ( gods) land...and as we work it and reap lifes susstanance it provides....i personally cant do anything but thank god for the oppertunity to take it all in.  my last trips have started to become more frequent.....and more lenghtly...and the need for my " corporate medicine" is no longer a daily/ frequently relied upon part of my life....a bad, problem filled....industrially broken, equipment faliure filled day  here  and the anxieities it presented me with  is starting to be replaced with thoughts of "home"  ....the growth and health of my stock/ the seed i planted and the anticipation of  " work " that i have done and the rewards it holds not in dollars but my sereinty....and the feelings i get from "sprucing up" gods  responsibilities he has given me....reality tells me it will be a few years before we all ( familiy) can "come home" for good....but the porfits from firewood/ and brown eggs now  are actually a reality....not because i have a whhole buch of money....but because thourgh humility and serenity i have found that everthing i need has already been provided....all of nature and god...thanks for the topic, and the oppertunity to share with you all.,......jbarl


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
I couldn't agree more with this subject.

I mentioned an old friend of mine in another post who unfortunately had to give up the farm life 14 years ago.  His life has been filled with depression ever since, and he still yearns to be involved in the farm life again,however he tells me due to his lack of money that he doesn't see how that will ever be possible since he is not in a financial position to own land and raise cattle of his own.

He's even told me that ever since he was forced to give up the farm life that he still has dreams at night at least once or twice a month about the old farm that he grew up on, along with the cows that he worked with only to wake up and realize that it's all gone, and it was only a dream.

Here is the link from my post about my friend Alan who had to give up the farm life:


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar

I'm in complete agreement with JbarL.  I had stepped into the family business at 14, and was running the show at 18 while attending college full time.  At the age of 32 I was diagnosed with Hypertension, and began medicinal treatment.  This was the same year I had signed an agreement to purchased the last half of the business, and the year the bottom fell out of the oil boom which had been driving the economy for the past six years.  My wife and I had bought some land, built a house, and had two daughters born during these high times.  My income was good, but it was all going to pay the bills and make the purchase payments.  During the next two and a half years, my income was cut in half, and my inventory doubled.  I had begun my walk with Jesus fifteen years before, but was still taking baby steps; falling a lot, and just sitting there.  In July, 1987, while walking down Broadway Ave in Ada, OK, I gave up; completely!  That moment, Jesus filled me with His Holy Spirit!  Business began to improve immediately, but I was still working 60 -80 hours a week, and my stress level was way too high.

The next Spring my Dad and I decided to partner on a few steers which we would sell in the Fall.  Every evening (or night) when I got home, I would just watch those steers walk around and graze.  The next year brought the purchase of a couple of cows. In the mean time, our daughters began showing some County barrows.  Boy, did we ALL have fun walking the pigs in the evenings.  Soon both were showing heifers.  1991 is when we  took our Cattle Showing to the National level.  During the trek through the "show animal" parade, my blood pressure returned to acceptable levels.  Another year, and I was taken off all medication.  I had also dropped about 20 pounds without any dieting.

The Word of God is my road map.  I don't refer to myself as a Christian; rather a follower of "The Way".  In 1995 Jesus led me to close my business.  For twelve years I've worked for someone else.  I've learned that no one could be near as hard to work for as myself.  I've also learned to listen more closely to God.  He speaks to me every day, and always has.  There once was a time I couldn't hear. 

Did the Farm help? I believe it has.  God is SO visible in nature; trees, wind, clouds, cows, wildlife of all kinds.  He wants us to work hard, but without any kind of worry or stress.  If you are looking for a guide, read closely the 3rd chapter of Colossians.  God is Good......All the time!

In HIS grip,



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
personaly when I'm mad I kick Killer Kitty.  ;) No not all but thinking about it makes me feel better. sign of a sick twisted mind.

Red  :p


Jul 21, 2007
Good post, guys.  Thank you.  I needed to hear these words of encouragement this a.m.  I never know where I might find it.  Thanks.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
it seems all humans have some sort of mental disease. i saw this story on tv, immediately followed by a story about people with phobias.

so, farm, animal people seem more able to seek a solution than other people, which seek the oppostite, usually coupled with rationalized victimhood.

the phobia fit in becasue 80-90% of people with phobias are simply cured by confronting their fears, which farm people seem more apt to do without incurring victimhood and a therapist bill.

the amount of money paid for common sense is amazing.  it's pretty clear we will need an inability act or legislation of some sort to deal with mandated victimhood.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
After coming home from embroidery market and seeing all heck that broke out....I hope that farm therapy finds me soon!  When it rains it pours and I'm exhausted with it all right now