If they have the genetics, and you aren't lazy with a brush, you will see good result at 30 days and GREAT results at 60. IDK how many times I have posted this but here it goes again. Have shown 2 sets of twins two seperate years, both same treatment, one epic, one shag. Epic always had faster results, and better results. Typically if they have the genetics for hair(mine were either Whiskeys, Paddys, Who, or Northern Improvements) They all started the same, I let them slick out naturally, then get them in and under a fan, rinse 1-2 times a day and within 15 days their was hair that I could actually brush in the right direction, 30 days there was something I could comb(and have an occasional how cold you keep the cooler) and by 45 me one very surprised hair whore lol. But it never stopped there by 60 days (the longest I have ever fed it, Out by state fair time) I was amazed at needing a skip tooth comb for the hair.
Shag on the other hang would take 45 days for something to comb, and 60 days for a decent coat of hair but still not anywhere close to the epic.