Fatty acid rumen bypass for improved beef cattle reproduction

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New member
Apr 4, 2012
    I have been AI.ing my cattle for quite some time now and we seem to miss as many as 40%. That is the high end but we typically never have all conceive. Second time heifers almost always miss. I have been doing a little research on nutrients and general feeding and ran across some information that suggests that rumen bypass fat may help in conception.
Has anyone had any experience with this? Please include the type used and how much is used. I would appreciate any help.
Thank you,


Active member
Nov 29, 2015
By-Pass products, for energy or protein, allow more energy and nutrient absorption to the animal after the rumen, dairy cow rations have utilized these supplements for years.  The key, in your case potentially, may be "energy", be sure that a few weeks leading up to calving you are supplying adequate energy and protein, but not an over abundance.  Continue this on through the re-breeding time period. Your cows as you know are using mass amounts of energy nursing their new calf and repairing their reproductive system in preparation to conceive once again.  This is why first calf heifers are the hardest class of cattle to get to settle, on top of what I have mentioned, first calf heifers are still trying to grow since they are not yet mature, which requires even more energy.  So, check your nutrition program pre and post calving, no need to over do it but their needs must be met with some excess nutrition left over to begin thinking about re-breeding.  There are several ways to get that added nutrition, by-pass products are an option if used correctly, usually somewhat greater in price as compared to other ruminant feed stuffs.  After they settle you can return to you daily management practices of cow maintenance during lactation and gestation.  Hope this helps


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Thank you kindly. I have been thinking there is a coloration there.
Have a wonderful Christmas and God bless.