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Barrel Racer

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Gotta go with racing QH myself.  I had the pony just like everyone else, it was the roughest riding thing I've ever been on, he bit, kicked, bucked, was just plain ornery.  Used to lead him over to the fence with my arms around his neck, climb up on the fence and jump on, no saddle no bridle nothing and just kick and hang on.  I've negotiated the breaking of my colt with my nephew, I've decided the ground seems to get harder the older you get  (lol)  And also after he kicked the hat off of my vet, who is 6'7" after my mare's last preg check, I think I'm not going to be the first one on! 

Elbee - Nice paints!!!  They sure are pretty and nicely colored!


Active member
Jun 17, 2007
SRU said:
you may call me unamerican; but, i hate 'em all. don't like to ride, don't like to look, they are nosey and they are always in the way. with that on the table, i may start riding one around if gas prices don't decrease.  my dad trains reiners and i have been on some good ones; still don't like 'em.

Give me horse power ANY day, and I do not mean the kind with 4 legs.  I used to Rodeo in my younger days, and thought I would NEVER be without a horse.  I actually do not like them at all now, the only use as far as I am concerned (that I can say on this board with out offending anyone) is if you have a large ranch with rough country that a 4 wheeler can not get to, then a horse is worth their weight in gold.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
Been the four wheeler route and came back to the horses. Ya the four wheeler was faster and easier to start every morning but the crossing ditches, sorting out the one in heat to breed and just general cow work - the horse wins hands down for manuverability, cow sense and crossing that ditch that is straight up and down except for the cow path that is about 18 inches wide. For pasture checks and hauling salt and mineral the four wheeler is great but I'll stick with a good horse when it comes to actually working cows.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Elbee, when you aren't looking I'm coming to nab the little palomino paint!!  :D


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Been the four wheeler route and came back to the horses. Ya the four wheeler was faster and easier to start every morning but the crossing ditches, sorting out the one in heat to breed and just general cow work - the horse wins hands down for manuverability, cow sense and crossing that ditch that is straight up and down except for the cow path that is about 18 inches wide. For pasture checks and hauling salt and mineral the four wheeler is great but I'll stick with a good horse when it comes to actually working cows.

RW - when I got the horse everybody said why didn't ya get a 4 wheeler - well besides all the things you said, and the price of fuel, they are noisy - I like the solitude - hear the birds, frogs whatever is out making noise ....can't hear a darn thing with a 4 wheeler - and with cows you can't really be in a hurry so why not enjoy it

ELBEE - cute babies - set Mrs E to work on genes she needs a baby horse! ;D!


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
DL - peace and quiet is an added bonus for sure. After spending a day in the hay field listening to the diesel engines and radio it is pretty good therapy to climb up in the saddle and get away from all of the noise and reset my brain. I've done some of my best thinking sitting on top of a horse checking cows. If I was better with a camera I would take one with me when I go - I've seen some awesome pictures when I was out riding.