Well-known member
I've got a lamb question for those of you who also raise/show lambs/sheep: Since I sold all my cattle, my corrals are overgrown with grass and weeds. So, I'm thinking: "Put a little handful of lambs in there to eat it down and, then, sell 'em in a couple of months. Do I have to worry about the group "drop dead" with them if I get them weaned and from a reputable breeder? DL, since you're in Michigan and aware of regs, do sheep have the same id regs as cattle here? And, what are feeder lambs selling for now? I can look up the sale barns out west for these numbers but, obviously I'm not buying out there. Don't even know if there 'are' any reputable sheep breeders in central lower Michigan. Thanks for tolerating my non-cattle question!! (lol)