LNC has a location in Keota. Might be farther away than you want, but the location in Chickasha keeps a couple of show rations on hand. We feed quite a bit of it and like it a lot. Though it's a little higher than our custom mix from Apache Co-Op, it's still a whole lot cheaper than any sacked show feed available around here. They'll custom mix as well, but (here at least) there's a minimum of a ton at a time.
They might have the capability to sack it there, but here you need to be able to handle it in bulk - a self feeder or one of those nifty little bulk trailers work great. We use an old pickup bed trailer, or the 1000# mini-bags aren't bad if you have a way to unload them, or a trailer you can just leave the bag on works, too. I bet they'll deliver for a price, too.