oftwominds.com is a good place to start. however, he's pro artificially raising wages. he has links to people that predicted the housing crisis months to two years ago.
i feel inflation is coming, as we can't print as much money as we did and it not have an effect. probably happen in about 9-12 months. buy value.
remember the last time this happened, that someone went with a wheel barrel full of cash to buy a loaf of bread and someone stole his wheel barrel, not the money.
people will be steeling stuff, as they already are, ie copper etc. it's gonna get worse. whether a world war will happen, i think it will as populations around the world are starting to inflate beyond their capacity to feed themselves. all one has to do is look at demographics and birth rates to see where the trouble is going to come from. the most interesting observation i've seen so far, is that the axis powers of WWII have the lowest birth rates, japan, italy, germany. france isn't too far behind. they are at about 1.2 kids per couple which means you lose half your population every generation. contrast that with most muslim communities which have birth rate of 4.7 and above. america is 2.1. mexico is way above that. i think america is around 50th, with most of the top 10 muslim. that should be enough forecasting to see where constitutions are going to change. it's already happening in europe, and one won't even need a gun to kill them off, they will and ARE doing it to themselves. it's funny, when i was in 7th grade, i figured this out with busing of illegals. the illegals brought knive fights and guns in 7th grade to school, and this was in the early 70's. it's only gotten worse, as entire cities have driven "native" american populations out. the city of Gilroy where my mother lives is essentially a city of old white people in their 60's and beyond, with the rest, largely mexican. many towns around me are the same, even some with little aged population, like watsonville. all the whites moved to cities like santa cruz, aptos etc, and now the hippies run the asyllum.
russia is also an interesting demographic puzzle. i bet you they will sell some of their land to china, as russia has less than 200,000,000 people and china has a billion. simple chemistry will tell you the border won't last.