It's kind of strange, but I'm 41 years old and grew up around cattle and have had my own for close to 20 years now and never had any twins until 2 years ago and now I've had 2 sets and my dad had a set as well! I can tell you that in my limited experience, there will always be a "dominant" calf that gets a majority of the milk as well as attention from the cow. If she is a strong milker, she can definitely raise both of them, but if you had access to a nurse cow for the "weaker" calf I'd vote for that. Both calves will grow out better and it will be way easier on the cow, especially as large as both of them are already. Just FYI in case you weren't aware, I'm pretty sure both calves would have a high probability of being "free-Martins" and not be able to reproduce since it is a heifer/bull set. That's what I've always been told anyway. The current set I have are the same situation, so I plan on feeding out the heifer an selling the steer at the sale barn.Hope this helps!