Telos said:
I must admit that I have been on both sides of the fence on this topic. Bottom line...The junior program has become an immensely competitive sport. It is the folks with the most resources (money, professional associates, etc.) along with all the hard work that usually go out and become competitive.
My concern is for the kids that feel defeated and become disenchanted because they do not have these resources. Sometimes it almost seems like a High School varsity football player has to go up against a professional NFL player and I'm not sure that is a good thing.
I do not think it is always children competing against other children. Sometimes it children competing against grown adults, and that bother me a bit.
Glad that you mentioned football & feeling disenchanted/defeated, because even in the world of HS varsity football, it isn't always a level playing field...
Private schools often recruit players, while most public schools aren't supposed to. Of course, the private ones aren't supposed to either, but... sometimes parents get offered jobs, etc.
Some schools are able to hire better coaches than other schools.
Some schools have larger athletic budgets & they have bigger weight rooms, better practice fields, etc.
Some schools send all their kids to camps. Others can not afford to do that.
Some players take steriods & do other "illegal" things to create an advantage.
If you think that showring judges are biased, well HS refs can be biased too.
Some schools even hire outside "consultants", often college coaches, to help develop schemes, plays, etc. Some schools don't have the contacts or $ to do that.
As you can see, right or wrong, HS sports & youth show cattle projects have a whole lot in common. Neither is 100% fair. Both leave kids feeling disenchanted & defeated. Both have problems with cheating & illegal activities & those things SHOULD NOT be tolerrated at all, if someone is caught. However, banning fitters is a lot like banning summer camps for football players... it wont solve a thing, IMHO. Some HS football players will become disenchanted & give up. But that doesn't mean that they wont find something else that they are very good at. Not everyone can be a successful football player & not everyone can be a successful show person, but everybody can be good at something. If winning or competing is all that matters to a person, then that person needs to find a niche where they can be competitive.
IMHO, you can keep fitters from touching the calves at a show, but you will never stop them from being involved, at least somewhat. IMHO, banning them will not help & it may actually hurt some kids by preventing kids from learning fitting skills & therefore can actually increase the number of kids who become disenchanted. And IMHO, nothing will disenchant a kid more than a kid who works their butt off with a calf all year long, but then shows up for the show, does a butcher clip/fit job on the calf & then gets burried because they don't have the skills to clip/fit... while another kid rarely works with their calf, but they can fit & they had a pro-fitter clip the calf a few days before the show & that kid wins the show.
If you really want to help & you don't want to slick sheer, then hire a pro-fitter to put on a clinic in your area & teach the kids how to do it themselves. At least that way you will be helping those kids who are at a disadvantage. But, don't ban fitters... trust me, it wont help.