I don't have a problem with either senerio... I don't own the cow, don't own the bulls- and don't plan on buying any semen or embroys out of either!
In terms of using a virgin bull= yes... But he won't get bred to many more than a couple that first year around here... Might collect him in case something were to happen- that would cost me no more than $2. a straw... I can get hundreds of straws if so desired... If he doesn't work out, and I have 30 straws on him, I can toss them and be out 60 bucks... Not bad for an insurance policy- I bet country companies or state farm couldn't do that!
Now in the case of flushing a v. heifer- you put around $1200 in her- with the possiblity of gettting 1-12 embroys for say. According to my math- that's at best 100 bucks each.. Now in the case of a heifer, if something were to happen to her, you aren't going to know if she is going to work- so you piddle around planing them embroys in= and basically wasting your time, money, cows, and a year of calving from a recip that could have been carrying a good embroy from an older cow!
Your logic makes no sense!
ps.. there are people who wouldn't use an unproven bull!