Food Inc

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
What's everyone's thoughts on this movie? Propaganda?  A wake up call for us? Personally I'm on the side of Joel Salatin. Modern day ag is screwed up to me from decades of propaganda by big business and the govt. fast food is the industries biggest customer so the system has been conformed to fill this need. Call me crazy but I feel a type of revolution is needed. Young farmers need a way in. Unless you're born into it or marry into it the odds are against you.

I thought this could be a good topic. Unless folks want to hash out what's the best shorthorn bull.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
These food inc. type movies/ tv shows/ commercials are a joke.  I personally believe that we as American agriculturists have a job to provide a safe and healthy food stuff to a ever exploding population around the world.  If we take steps back in production ie natural/organic/non-gmo we will not be able to meet this demand.  I have nothing against people that produce these kind of niche market products heck I even sell a grassfed/semi natural beef.  I just don't go around using false science to try to scare people into buying it. 

Mill Iron A

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2011
There is merit to parts of it but some of it is just plain stupid. Case in point: Implanted beef is bad for you...false. 1 lb of implanted beef has 11 ng of estrogen compared to 8 ng of estrogen in a non implanted steer. A bull or intact heifer is going to put you in that 100+ ng of estrogen per pound of beef and common foods like eggs and soybeans are off the chart. Pure misinformation at it's finest. Same with ionophores, they are maybe one of the best things to happen to the beef industry.  Should people be better managers of their land? YESSS! That is one place I will jump on board for sure but to paint modern ag in general as a bad thing just isn't true. Are there bad things? Yes. Should that incriminate everyone? No. My family has a decent sized ranch but through family politics and not enough total income I am not able to make my sole living off of production agriculture. I will get there with diversification though and business savvy, there is opportunity for us young guys we just have to play our cards right and think outside the box.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2010
Haven't watched Food Inc. since it first came out and we only saw part of it in one of our Ag. Classes in school so I don't have a lot to add there but as a young cattle producer from a non ag family I can definitely agree with how hard it is not enter the ranching world. Not only is the cost of starting from the ground up a challenge, but people in my area tend to look at my small herd of 10 as a joke or a hobby and not something that I am trying to someday build into a serious business. Another thing I tend to face in my area and I'm sure that this cannot be the case everywhere else is the fact that I am a young woman attempting to do this on my own and not as a partner with a husband. Its a pretty alien thought around here  <alien>

Definitely agree that the perception needs to change.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Jason said:
Netflix?  Trying a 30 day trial and I thought I saw this under documentaries.

Yep. Hard to tell fact from fiction. Mill iron taught me something. I haven't changed my views but it's nice to hear from all sides.


Active member
Oct 7, 2013
Dozer45 said:
Not only is the cost of starting from the ground up a challenge, but people in my area tend to look at my small herd of 10 as a joke or a hobby and not something that I am trying to someday build into a serious business. Another thing I tend to face in my area and I'm sure that this cannot be the case everywhere else is the fact that I am a young woman attempting to do this on my own and not as a partner with a husband. Its a pretty alien thought around here.

Definitely agree that the perception needs to change.

So true everywhere.

"If young people can't get in, OLD people can't get out" - Joel Salatin

Joel Salatin on young farmers -
Joel Salatin On the Next Generation of Farmers

What does everyone think? hash it out (argue) nicely