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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
isnt it the same when you rely on  "corporations" to supply all the good paying jobs with benifits and job security to carry you and your family 30 years of employment with enough pay to let you set youself up for a comfortable retirement??....i'm afraid they could care less about there "employees" future....jbarl

which is EXACTLY why i want less regulation as most regulation is written by large corporations to the disadvantage of small business and especially entering a market.

corporations care about their employees only as required as long as there is competition for workers.  when there isn't competition for workers is when you start having problems and the incentive for unionization, which is ok, it's just when unions start getting discriminatory advantage is when i have a problem with them.

i'd say this is probally as close as we can get on this issue.... ;D...cheers !

your fear of unions however seem to come from some deep scars in your soul, that not even i can reach...//... ;)
what makes  it so hard for me to understand is you support a third party to make the "game" more interesting and "fair" politically.....but you ignore the one who is already established and already recievbing recogination.( discriminatory practices ) ....organized labor....what would the repoublicans do if all of organized labor supported the tea party??  the role of organized labor isnt over, and probally much to the happiness of fellow spr's.....i dont think you know how many here are  either a part of organized labor or work for a company who is represented.....its a decent living with as much chance as anyone to prepare themselves finacially, for the can you ever knock on that....or try to impede its existance or growth....your assumptions  and fears of organized labr  is a bit prehistoric...we're not trying to take over the country.....just make it comfortable and livable the short time were here......jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
discrimination is wrong no matter what form it's in.  to me, it's wrong to have the government discriminate against non-union workers.

i don't want to impede the growth of other alternatives, even if it comes at the expense of unions.

i want competition, nothing more, nothing less.